에너지회수설비 제조사인 ERI사는 한국의 GS E&C사와 ERI사의 Pressure Exchanger 기술을 기반으로 한 삼투압전기발생(osmotic power generation) 개발 추진을 목적으로 상호기술협력 계약을 체결했다.

후속조치로 파이럿 프로그램을 추진 중이며 파이럿 설비의 건설을 통하여 2014년부터 운전개시될 예정이다. 이와 관련 사용되는 PRO 기술은 바닷물을 청정수로 변환하는 과정에서 사용되는 기술로 이때 발생되는 삼투압에 의한 동력을 전기생산용으로 공급하게 된다.


ERI to cooperate with Koreans on PRO for energy

Energy Recovery Inc (ERI) announced on 15 October 2013 that it has signed a mutual cooperation agreement with Seoul-based global company GS Engineering & Construction Corporation (GS E&C Corp), part of Korean conglomerate GS Group, to significantly advance osmotic power generation using ERI's PX Pressure Exchanger® technology.

A pilot program is already underway, and it is anticipated that a unit will be operational in 2014 at GS E&C Corp's research and development center in Korea.

The process of pressure-retarded osmosis is created by juxtaposing seawater with freshwater, where the resulting osmotic power serves as both a renewable and consistent source of electricity. While still the in the early stages, the best estimates of global production potential of osmotic power exceed 1,600 terawatt hours, or the equivalent of half of Europe's entire energy demand, says ERI.

Initially developed for seawater reverse osmosis desalination, ERI's PX devices have shown potential and created interest across many industries due to their adaptability, reliability and efficiency.



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