세계에서 가장 큰 규모의 구리광산인 칠레의 에스콘디다의 EWS (Escondida Water Supply) 프로젝트 추진을 위한 엔지니어링 업무 전반을 Black&Veatch 사가 수행하기로 결정됐다. 총 34억3천만 달러 투자 규모의 물공급 시스템은 담수화 플랜트, 물의 수송·저장 시스템 및 해양관련 사업 등으로 구성되어 있다.

Black&Veatch사는 EWS 프로젝트의 설계업무, 구매업무, 현장검수 및 사전 시운전업무 등에 관한 모든 엔지니어링 업무를 지휘·관할한다. 이 프로젝트가 완료되면 에스콘디다 지역에 21만5천㎥/일 규모의 담수화 물을 공급하게 된다.


Black & Veatch to engineer Escondida desalination work

Black & Veatch has been selected as the engineer of record for the marine works and desalination components on the US$ 3.43 billion Escondida Water Supply (EWS) project in Chile.

Black & Veatch's role is leading the engineering design, procurement, field inspection and pre-commissioning for its portion of the EWS project. In addition to the marine works and desalination plant, the project includes a water conveyance and storage system with associated high-voltage infrastructure.

"For this vital project, we are bringing our global experience in delivering large-scale desalination plants," said Cindy Wallis-Lage, president of Black & Veatch's water business. "We have been fully committed to the Escondida project since the initial study phase. We are looking forward to completing this project safely and with high-quality results."

The EWS project will deliver 57 MGD (215,000 m³/d) to Escondida, the world's largest copper mine, which is majority-owned and operated by BHP Billiton.


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