피츠버그의 상하수도국(PWSA)가 보다 누수와 비용을 절감하고 데이터를 관리하기 하기 위해 새로운 스마트 워터 네트워크를 시행한다고 밝혔다. FlexNet™사가 PWSA에 상호 네트워크 계량 데이터 관리 소프트웨어 Sensus와 고객 사이트를 제공한다. Sensus는 진보된 스마트 워터 네트워크 솔루션과 데이터 분석 기술을 위해 채택됐다.

PWSA의 목표는 8만3천명의 고객에게 고품질의 물을 제공하며 낮은 비용을 부과하는 것이다. 또한 고객의 요구를 보다 잘 충족시키고 보다 쉽게 물을 추적하고 누수를 확인하는 솔루션을 찾는 것이다.

이미 PWSA는 설치를 시작했고 약 7만8천 개의 계량기가 가정과 사업창에 설치 될 예정이다. 스마트 워터 네트워크을 실행함으로써 시스템 성능을 향상하고 비효율을 절감할 수 있다. 결과적의 일년에 125억 달러를 이상을 절감 할 수 있다.


PA water authority adopts new smart water network

The Pittsburgh Water & Sewer Authority (PWSA) has announced that it will soon implement a new smart water network to better detect leaks, manage data and cut costs across the board.

Called FlexNet™, provided by Sensus, a clean technology company, the technology will provide PWSA with the communication network meter data management software and a customer portal. The utility chose Sensus for its advanced smart water network solution and data analytics technologies.

Sensus FlexNet system is a long-range radio network that serves as a secure two-way communications highway and requires minimal infrastructure. The network architecture and device designs provide range and endpoint connectivity that is differentiated from mesh networks. The result is superior network performance as evidenced by lower network operation and maintenance (O&M) costs for utilities.

PWSA's mission is to provide its 83,000 customers with the highest quality of water at the lowest possible cost. To better meet the needs of its customers, the utility sought a solution that would easily track water, identify leaks and save customers money. The wireless point-to-multi-point network delivers data that allows customers to check water consumption and receive text messages and email alerts about possible leaks.

PWSA has already begun the installation process. By September 2014, approximately 78,000 water meter readers will be installed in homes and businesses throughout the city. By implementing smart water networks, utilities can improve system performance and reduce inefficiencies, resulting in up to $12.5 billion in annual savings, according to research commissioned by Sensus.

[출처 = Water World / 2014년 7월 29일]
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