나바르 정부는 Navarra Canal 관개 네트워크 확장을 위해 Agbar와 계약을 체결했다고 밝혔다.Suez의 자회사인 Agbar는 OHL과 컨소시엄을 조직하여 건설 2억6천500만 달러 30년 운영 1억3000천 달러로, 총 3억9천500만 달러 규모의 계약을 수주했다.

이 계약을 통해 15개의 자치단체에 퍼져있는 1만5천275 헥타르의 농지 관개 네트워크를 현대화하고 관개를 위해 추가적으로 429㎞ 네트워크를 건설할 예정이다.
대규모 프로젝트 장기간 농장개발을 승인하고 현재 존재하는 관개지역에 낮은 에너지 비용으로 보다 저렴한 물을 공급하기 위해서 실시될 예정이며 계약은 30년동안 Navarre Canal관개 시스템의 건설, 관리, 운영을 포함한다.


Network extension contract worth 395m in Spain awarded to Agbar

Following a public tender, the Spanish government of Navarre has contracted Agbar a contract to extend the Navarra Canal irrigation network.
SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT subsidiary Agbar in Spain was awarded the contract worth 395 million through the consortium formed with OHL (Obrascon Huarte Lain, a Spanish international public works group) consisting of a 265 million building component and a 30-year 130 million operating component.

The contract will include building 429km of additional network to irrigate and modernise the existing irrigation of 15,275 ha of agricultural land spread across 15 municipalities.
One aim of the large scale project will allow the long-term development of farming and provide access to cheaper water at a lower energy cost to existing irrigated areas.
This contract includes the construction, management and operation of this extension of the Navarre Canal irrigation system for 30 years.

The project includes the construction of 429 km of irrigation network fed from the Arga-Ega section of the Navarre Canal, which is itself supplied by the Itoiz, dam implemented in 2003, and the construction of a drainage system to irrigate the new areas.
The first stage of the work will begin in November 2014 and will end in 2018.
The next stage will be running the irrigation system, including maintenance and optimisation using smart management systems to control it remotely.

It is hoped it will contribute to the development and increased productivity of Navarre’s agriculture by irrigating new areas (60% of the total land area covered by the project).
According to Juan Luis Sanchez de Muniain, vice president of the Navarra Government, this project represents the largest public bid tender in Navarra in recent years and “maybe even in all Spain”.

[출처 = Water World / 2014년 7월 21일]
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