Vegetal i.D, Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District(MMSD),Fund For Lake Michigan,Water Council, UW-Milwaukee, UW-Whitewater이 새로운 우수 관리 솔루션을 모니터링하기 위해 협력한다고 밝혔다.

STOCK & FLOW라고 불리는 솔루션은 녹색 지붕 밑에 저장소로써 전통적인 녹색 지붕의 수용량을 2인치 추가하고 식물에 수동적으로 물을 공급할 수 있다. 또한, 지붕으로부터 방출되는 물을 제어하는 방법으로 사용되기도 한다.

새로운 솔루션은 기계의 신뢰성을 겸비한 분산적인 라이빙 시스템을 생각하면 된다. 이 시스템은 우수 때 스스로 물을 저장하고 관개한다. 또한 STOCK & FLOW의 저장소에서 초과된 물은 하수시스템으로 천천히 지속적인 비율로 방류하면서 도시가 보다 쉽게 관리 할 수 있도록 돕는다.


Partnership to pilot new stormwater management solution

A collaboration has been formed among Vegetal i.D., the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District(MMSD), Fund For Lake Michigan, The Water Council, UW-Milwaukee, and UW-Whitewater to closely monitor the performance of a new stormwater management solution. The technology being tested is an advanced system combining a blue roof with a green roof that is poised to significantly advance green-roof-based stormwater management performance.

Called STOCK & FLOW®, the solution serves as a reservoir below the green roof that adds two inches of rainwater capacity to a traditional green roof, passively irrigates the plants and controls the way in which water is released from the roof. Imagine decentralized living systems with the reliability of a machine. The system irrigates itself with the water it captures during rainfall, while the excess water retained in the reservoir of STOCK & FLOW is released to the sewer system at a slow and constant rate to make it easier for the city to manage while it is simultaneously preparing it for the next rain event.
The alternative solution involves the expansion and maintenance of traditional grey infrastructure systems, which can be extremely expensive and often does not completely solve the problem. This is why cities are turning to green infrastructure systems such as green roofs to deal with rainwater at the source and minimize taxpayer expenses.

In Greater Milwaukee Area of Wisconsin, MMSD has spearheaded the green infrastructure movement for over 10 years. The goal, known as Fresh Coast 740, is to capture 740 million gallons of water every time it rains. To achieve this goal, the program invests in high-impact green infrastructure, such as rainwater harvesting, porous pavement and bio-swales, and by obtaining key pieces of land to remediate into greenways and wetlands that manage great amounts of stormwater naturally and increases resistance to flooding.

This month, Vegetal i.D. is launching a pilot project to demonstrate the performance of STOCK & FLOW. The project will compare stormwater management performance of two versions -- a typical extensive green roof and a standard roof. They will also measure performance metrics such as the productivity of the plants and their ability to cool the roof.

This study will also assess the costs and benefits associated with these systems. This will enable policy makers and sewer system managers like MMSD to better understand the costs and benefits associated with these systems. The information can be used to better incentivize and regulate stormwater management, which helps to drive the use of green infrastructure solutions.

[출처 = Water World / 2014년 8월 5일]

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