Water Environment Research(WER)에 실린 새로운 연구에 따르면 활성탄이 악취 제거와 휘발성 유기화합물 제거에 효과적이며 선호되는 방법이라고 밝혔다.

WER의 편집장 Tim Ellis는 " 활성탄은 장기간 악취를 제어하며 악취를 제거하는데 효과적인 방법일 뿐만 아니라 항공기의 다른 오염원 제거에도 탁월하다. 또한, 효율적인 설계와 운영을 통해 비용을 조정할 수 있다."고 설명했다.


Research shows activated carbon adsorption is preferred way to control odors and VOC emissions

New research published in the July 2014 issue of Water Environment Research (WER), activated carbon adsorption is the preferred way to control odors and volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions, according to a press release.

Research for the article titled “Efficient Control of Odors and VOC Emissions via Activated Carbon Technology” was conducted by Farhana Mohamed, James Kim, Ruey Huang, Huong Ton Nu and Vlad Lorenzo, noted the release.

“The featured study, which was conducted at the Bureau of Sanitation in Los Angeles, focused on a delineation of the relationship between operational parameters such as empty bed contact time and humidity as well as removal efficiency for odors, VOCs and siloxanes,” said WER Editor-in-Chief Tim Ellis. “Mohamed, et al. found that activated carbon adsorption, a longtime stalwart for odor control, is the preferred method for not only eliminating odors, but also for removing other air-borne contaminants, provided that the cost can be controlled through efficient design and operation. Hydrogen sulfide breakthrough and butane activity were among the control strategies identified by the authors for effective operation.”

[출처 = Water Tech Online /  2014년 7월 14일]

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