[미국] WWEA, 인프라주간서 수도인프라 기금 중요성 강조

상하수장비제조협회(WWEMA)는 지난 5월 16일 미 상공회의소에서 열린 킥오프 행사로 시작된 ‘2016 인프라 주간(Infrastructure Week)’ 행사에 참가, 미국의 인프라 구축·재건의 중요성을 강조했다고 밝혔다.

Vanessa Leiby WWEMA 회장은 “인프라 주간에서 수도 인프라의 중요성을 고취하는 중요한 역할을 수행하게 되어 기쁘다”며 “미국의 수도 인프라는 연방·주·지역·민간 등 다양한 기금을 필요로 하고 있으며, 인프라정책은 변화를 만들어낼 것”이라고 말했다.


WWEMA stresses importance of water infrastructure funding during Infrastructure Week

The Water and Wastewater Equipment Manufacturers Association (WWEMA) participated in several of this week’s 2016 Infrastructure Week events, beginning with Monday’s kick-off event held at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and culminating with the May 18 Advocacy Day on the Hill and a reception hosted by the U.S. Water Alliance.

WWEMA was proud to one of 150 affiliate organizations that joined the steering committee members and Congressional co-chairs to spread the word that “Infrastructure Matters.” Mayors, business leaders, manufacturers, utilities, and industry organizations across all infrastructure came together in Washington, D.C., and held events across the country to emphasize the importance of building/rebuilding our nation’s infrastructure.

“WWEMA is pleased to have played an important role in elevating the importance of water infrastructure during Infrastructure Week, held this week in Washington, D.C., and in events around the country,” said WWEMA Executive Director Vanessa Leiby, who carried this message to members of Congress during the Advocacy Day on the Hill. “We have a critically important message to share about public health and environmental protection, highlighted most recently by the lead drinking water crisis in Flint, Michigan. Our nation’s water infrastructure needs federal, state, local, and private funding and the political will to make change happen.”

WWEMA specifically expressed support of much-needed water and wastewater infrastructure funding measures introduced by Congress in several recent bills, including the Senate version of the Water Resources Development Act.

[출처 = Water World / 2016년 5월 19일]

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