[카타르] 에너지 사용의 근본적 저감 목표로 연구 진행

카타르 수전력청(QWEC)과 카타르 환경에너지연구기관(QEERI)은 담수화 과정에서 ‘비용과 에너지 사용을 근본적으로 저감 가능한' 두 개의 시범사업 개발을 위한 양해각서(MOU)를 체결했다. 이번 시범사업은 조류가 증식하는 동안 해수담수화 시설의 안정적인 운영을 보장하기 위해 역삼투 공정을 포함해 전처리 공정을 최대한 활용할 계획이며, 다중효용법(MED, multi effect distillation)을 통해 에너지를 감소시킴으로써 에너지 효율성을 향상시키는 등 효과를 개발하고자 한다.

카타르 수전력청은 시범사업의 실시 과정에서 시스템의 24시간 작동을 보장하기 위해 7일 연속으로 공정을 실시해 시설, 유틸리티, 프로젝트 등을 지원하기로 합의했다.


Qatari research aims to "radically reduce" cost of desalination

The Qatar Electricity and Water Company (QWEC) and Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute (QEERI) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to develop two pilot projects that could 'radically reduce the cost and energy use' of desalination.

The pilots include a reverse osmosis test to develop and optimize pre- treatment processes to ensure reliable operation in desalination facilities, even during algal blooms; and a multi effect distillation (MED) pilot to develop patented ideas that reduce the energy consumption and improve energy efficiency of MED technology.

QEWC has put forward the test site at Dukhan coast for the pilots and agreed to support the project with facilities, utilities, and skilled labor to ensure 24 hour - seven day continuous operation.

The State of Qatar depends on desalinated seawater to satisfy 99% of its municipal water demand. The desalination methods used in Qatar and most of the Gulf Cooperation Council region are energy intensive and thus the desalted water is expensive. Dr. Khalid Al-Subai, acting executive director at QEERI said: "This agreement with QEWC is crucial to test some of the processes developed by QEERI that can radically reduce the cost and energy use of current desalination methods. We highly appreciate QEWC's offer."

Mr. Fahad H. Al Mohannadi, general manager and managing director of QEWC, added: "Qatar Electricity and Water Company aim to address future challenges in water scarcity and have selected a partner for future research to build capabilities in Qatar and recognize ways and means to overcome those challenges, with the best possible technologies."

[출처 = Desalination & Water Reuse / 2016년 5월 13일]

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