[미국] 하원위원회, 수자원개발법 초안 발표

미국 교통·인프라 하원위원회는 지난 5월 20일 ‘2016 수자원 개발법(WRDA)’ 초안을 발표했다. WRDA에 따라 항구·댐·저수지 등에서 미육군 공병병과(U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, ACOE) 프로젝트가 인가된다.

이로써 ACOE는 국가 수도 인프라를 유지하고 홍수 보호를 계속해서 제공하는 동시에 환경복원 프로젝트를 진행할 수 있게 됐다.


House Committee releases draft of Water Resources Development Act

The House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure released a draft of the 2016 Water Resources and Development Act (WRDA) on May 20, 2016. WRDA authorizes U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) projects at U.S. harbors, locks, dams, and reservoirs. It ensures ACOE can maintain the Nation's water infrastructure, continue to provide flood protection, and work on environmental restoration projects. The bipartisan bill will be marked up by the full committee on May 25.

Several ACWA supported provisions are included in the draft WRDA bill. The bill expands the definition of a "water resources and development project" to include environmental infrastructure projects. This change would allow ACOE to participate in water supply and water recycling projects. The draft WRDA bill also includes language to encourage ACOE to revise operational documents for its reservoirs in partnerships with project sponsors. Additionally, ACOE is authorized to enter into agreements with non-Federal partners to engage in water conservation projects including stormwater capture and groundwater recharge projects.

[출처 = Water World / 2016년 5월 23일]

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