[이스라엘] 홍해·사해 담수화 프로그램 4억5천만 달러 투자 약속

이스라엘·요르단·팔레스타인에 물을 공급하기 위한 홍해·사해(RSDS) 담수화 프로젝트가 4억5천만 달러의 투자금을 약속받았다. 지난 24일 로마에서 열린 유럽담수화학회 컨퍼런스에서 Akram Rabadi 요르단 수자원 관개부 수석고문은 프로젝트에 대한 이번 기금은 요르단 아카바시티(Aqaba City)에서 모였다고 밝혔다.

RSDS 프로그램의 총사업비는 11억5천만∼11억7천500만 달러가 될 것으로 추정되며, 이 가운데 담수화 플랜트 및 담수급·배수관 시공에 2억7천500만∼3억5천만 달러가, 고압력펌핑을 포함한 파이프라인 시공에 8억∼8억5천만 달러가 투입될 것으로 예상된다.


Red Sea to Dead Sea investors pledge $450 million

The ambitious Red Sea to Dead Sea (RSDS) desalination project that aims to provide water to Israel, Jordan, and Palestine, has agreed investments of $450 million.

Speaking at the European Desalination Society conference in Rome on Tuesday (24 May), Akram Rabadi, senior advisor in Jordan's Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MWI), said that donors to the project met in Jordan's Aqaba City, neighbour to the city of Eliat in Irsael, last week.

The total cost of RSDS is expected to be $1,175 to $1,150 million, comprising $275 to $350 million for the desalination plant and desalinated water delivery systems, and $800 to $850 million for the pipeline, including high pressure pumping.

Donors wanting to support the pipeline element of the project, and to protect the heritage of the Dead Sea, have committed $350 million, and a further $100 million is agreed from the US government. A call for applications from build, operate, and transfer (BOT) contractors to cover the remainder of the investment went out in December 2015, with a total of 93 companies acquiring the pre-qual documents, and the deadline for applications is 30 May.

The project's three overarching objectives are to desalinate water and generate energy at affordable prices for Jordan, Israel and the Palestinian Authority; to save the Dead Sea from environmental degradation; and to build a symbol of peace and cooperation in the Middle East.

The scheme will extract 190 to 300 million m3/year from the Red Sea and pass it through a desalination plant to produce 65 to 85 million m3/year of fresh water. Of this, 35 to 50 million m3/year will be supplied by Israel to the northern governorates in Jordan at a previously agreed price, and 30 million m3/year will be supplied to the Aqaba region. Additionally, 110 to 220 m3/year of brine and sea water will be discharged into the Dead Sea, which is currently shrinking at a rapid rate.

Jordan recorded a water deficit of 250 million m3/year in 2015. It has a growing population and is receiving an influx of refugees from neighbouring countries, including almost 1.4 million people from Syria.

A Memorandum of Understanding between Israel and the Palestinian Authority is being prepared, and a bi-lateral agreement between Jordan and Israel was signed last year.

Construction is slated to begin in April 2018.

[출처 = Desalination & Water Reuse / 2016년 5월 23일]

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