[싱가포르] 물재생 및 고체 폐기물 처리 통합

싱가포르 국가물기관인 PUB와 싱가포르 국가환경기구(NEA)는 the Deep Tunnel Sewerage System (DTSS) Phase 2와 통합폐기물관리시설에 대한 입찰을 요청할 예정이다. 

링크 하수관,Tuas Water Reclamation Plant (TWRP), integrated NEWater factory와 관련하여 선진 감지와 유지보수 면에서 깊은 터널(deep tunnel)을 강화시키는 DTSS Phase 2는 약 65억 달러의 비용이 들 것이라 추정된다.

현재 프로젝트의 세부 설계 이정표에서 PUB는 다양한 프로젝트 구성을 위해 Q3 2016부터 시작해 단계적으로 자문과 건설 입찰을 요청할 예정이다. 

이것은 TWRP와 링크 하수관의 세부 설계를 위한 전문 엔지니어링 서비스를 포함한다. 다른 입찰은 깊은 터널(deep tunnel) 하수관, 관련 수직 통로와 맨홀의 설계와 공사를 포함할 것이다.


Singapore to integrate used water reuse/solid waste treatment in tender flurry

Singapore’s national water agency PUB and the National Environment Agency of Singapore (NEA) will shortly be calling tenders for the Deep Tunnel Sewerage System (DTSS) Phase 2 and the Integrated Waste Management Facility (IWMF). 

DTSS Phase 2, which includes enhanced deep tunnels with advanced sensing and maintenance features, associated link sewers, Tuas Water Reclamation Plant (TWRP) and integrated NEWater factory, is estimated to cost some S$6.5 billion. 

With a total treatment capacity of 800,000 m3/day, TWRP will also be the largest membrane bioreactor (MBR) facility in the world, according to PUB.
Currently at the detailed design milestone of the project, PUB will be calling for consultancy and construction tenders for the various project components in phases beginning from Q3 2016. 

These include professional engineering services for the detailed design of the TWRP and link sewers. Other tenders will cover the design and construction of deep tunnel sewers, associated shafts and manholes. 

Earlier this year PUB called a pre-qualification exercise for consultancy firms to design the Tuas water reclamation plant (read WWi story).  

IWMF will be able to effectively process various waste streams which include incinerable waste, household recyclables collected under the National Recycling Programme (NRP), source-segregated food waste and dewatered sludge from the TWRP. 

The IWMF will be designed with an incineration capacity of 5,800 tonnes per day and is estimated to cost S$3.0 billion. 

NEA will be calling tender to engage professional engineering services to assist in project management, supervision of the construction works and commissioning of the IWMF. Tenders will also be called to appoint Engineering, Procurement and Construction contractors to design and construct the IWMF. 

One of the highlights of both projects, is the co-location the water reclamation plant with the waste management facility, which marks Singapore’s first initiative to integrate used water and solid waste treatment processes. 

[출처 : Water World / 2016년 7월 20일]

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