[Dow] 산업폐수 처리용 새 라인 출시

도우 워터앤프로세스 솔루션(Dow Water&Process Solutions)사가 자사의 역삼투 및 나노 정화제품 목록에 새로운 생산라인으로 Dow Filmtec Fortlife(도우 핌텍 포트라이프)을 추가했다.

출시된 생산라인은 화석연료 동력 발전, 화학 공정, 스틸 및 메탈 산업, 섬유산업 등을 비롯한 다양한 분야의 처리하기 힘든 산업폐수를 정화하는 네 개의 요소로 구성돼 있다.

4개의 제품은 △Dow Filmtec Fortlife CR100 △Dow Filmtec Fortlife XC70 △Dow Filmtec Fortlife XC80 △XC-N이다.

이번 Dow Filmtec Fortlife 생산 라인은 올해 중국 아쿠아테크(Aquatech)의 멤브레인 분야에서 최고 기술혁신상(Best Technology Innovation Award)을 수상한 바 있다.


Dow brings out new line designed for tough industrial waters

Dow Water & Process Solutions has added a new product line, Dow Filmtec Fortlife, to its reverse osmosis and nano filtration portfolio.

The new line consists of four new elements designed to handle challenging waters in sectors including fossil power generation, chemical and petrochemical processing, steel and metal industries, and textiles.

The new products comprise the Dow Filmtec Fortlife CR100 Element, engineered specifically for plants where biofouling is a problem; and Dow Filmtec Fortlife XC70, XC80, and XC-N Elements, for plants looking to reduce concentrate waste, to lower operating costs, and to achieve minimal liquid discharge goals.

"The new Fortlife family of products combines the benefits of Filmtec -- industry-leading reliability, exceptional cleaning ability, and robust membrane -- with advancements designed to tackle the most challenging waters and applications. These elements aim to help reduce water costs, to achieve sustainability goals, to minimise biofouling, and to move toward minimal liquid discharge," said Alexander Lane, EMEA commercial director, Dow Water & Process Solutions.

The Dow Filmtec Fortlife product line won the Best Technology Innovation Award in the membrane category at Aquatech China in 2016.

[출처 = Desalination & Water Reuse / 2016년 9월 28일]

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