[Veolia] 두바이 폐수처리장서 유해물질 처리 나서

베올리아 워터테크놀로지스(Veolia Water Technologies)가 두바이 폐수처리장의 EPC(Engineer·Procure·Construct) 계약을 따냈다.

두바이의 폐수처리장은 산성 폐기물, 폐유, 폐수 등을 포함한 각종 유해 물질을 시프트(shift) 당 200㎥ 규모로 하루에 세 시프트 처리할 계획이다. 시설은 다양한 전처리 시스템을 갖춰 특정 유해물질 제거에 탁월한 능력을 보일 예정이다. 베올리아의 멀티플로(Multiflo) 기술을 사용한다.

시설은 오는 2017년 말까지 커미셔닝 완료될 것으로 기대된다.


Veolia to treat hazardous liquids at new Dubai plant

Veolia Water Technologies has won a contract with Dubai Municipality to engineer, procure and construct a hazardous liquid waste treatment plant.

The plant will treat 200 m3/shift (three shifts a day) of hazardous liquids, including acidic waste, alkaline waste, oil waste, and wastewater. It will be designed with various pre-treatment systems, each adapted to a specific type of hazardous liquid, and will utilise Veolia's Multiflo technology.

"We are committed to developing and implementing solutions to manage waste effectively and we are proud of our partnership with Dubai Municipality," said Veolia Water Technologies chief operating officer for the Middle East, Thierry Froment.

The plant is expected to be commissioned by the end of 2017.

The agreement is a first of its kind in UAE, and aims to prepare Dubai for an anticipated increase in quantity of hazardous liquid waste, as existing industries expand and new ones start up.

[출처 = Desalination & Water Reuse / 2016년 11월 30일]

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