[UAE] 아부다비, 수도세 3년 연속 인상 

주요 관세 개혁의 일환으로 아부다비 수력의 가격 변동은 내년 초부터 다시 바뀔 예정이다.

용수 사용량은 사용량에 따라 부과되며, 두 블록으로 나뉜다. ‘녹색(green)’ 밴드는 특정 수준까지 사용되고, 지속 불가능한 것으로 분류되는 ‘빨강(red)’은 그 수준을 초과한 사용량이다.

UAE 국민이 수도세를 지불하기 시작한 것은 2015년 초부터였다. 변화의 일환으로 ‘녹색’ 밴드 사용자는 2017년 1월 1일부터 23% 상승한 0.57달러/톤을 지불하기 시작할 것이다. 

한편, ‘빨강’ 관세는 38% 상승한 0.71달러/톤으로 전망된다.

올해 초, 사우디아라비아는 물 관세 인상이 계획대로 이행되지 않자 수전력 장관을 해임한 바 있다.



As part of a major tariff restructure, changes to the price of water and power in Abu Dhabi are set to change again from the beginning of next year.

Water usage is charged depending on usage, split into two blocks. The ‘green' band is for usage up to a certain level and 'red', classed as unsustainable, is usage beyond that level.

It was at the start of 2015 when UAE nationals started paying for water. As part of the changes, 'green' band users will start paying $0.57/m3 – a rise of 23% - from January 1 2017.

Meanwhile, the 'red' tariff is expected to rise to $0.71/m3 – a rise of 38%.

The changes are being rolled out by utility Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority (ADWEA), in association with subsidiary companies Abu Dhabi Distribution Companies (ADDC) and Al Ain Distribution Company (AADC).

A spokesperson for ADWEA was quoted by local sources as saying: “Sustainability and encouraging people to reconsider their consumption behaviour of water and electricity are part and parcel of the fundamental principles of the emirate’s growth for the benefit of the future generations.”

Although UAE locals have seen marginal prices introduced for water, for expats, the cost is substantially higher. The ‘green’ tariff is expected to rise 32% to $2.13/m3, while ‘red’ tariffs will be reduced 1% to $2.83/m3.

Introducing and raising the price of historically heavily subsidised water tariffs has always been a controversial and difficult challenge for utilities in the Middle East. 

Earlier this year Saudi Arabia sacked its water & electricity minister after a rise in water tariffs had not been implemented as planned (read story). 

[출처 = Water World / 2016년 11월 25일]

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