[사우디] 담수화·물재이용 분야, 민간투자 유도 계획  

사우디아라비아가 담수화 프로젝트를 민간 투자자들에게 제공할 예정이다.

사우디아라비아 해수담수화청(이하 SWCC)의 알 하즈미(Al-Hazmi) 청장에 따르면 담수 공장은 곧 민간 부문에 제공될 계획이다. 현재 사우디아라비아는 세계 최대 규모의 담수 생산 국가이며, SWCC는 28개의 담수 공장을 운영 중이다.

환경부 및 수자원·농업부는 미래 산업과 농업 분야에서 재활용수의 사용이 확대될 것으로 전망했다. 이에 사우디아라비아는 수자원 분야에서 53억 달러 가량의 민간 투자가 이뤄지길 희망하고 있다.


Saudi outlines privatised future for desalination and reuse

Saudi Arabia will tender desalination projects to private investors in the future, reports Saudi-US Trade Group (SUSTG).

The move was confirmed in comments made by officials from Saudi's Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture, and Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC), at the Water Investment Forum in capital city Riyadh on 27 and 28 November 2016.

Ali Al-Hazmi, head of SWCC, reportedly said that desalination plants will, in future, be tendered to the private sector, and "everything is ready" for SWCC itself to be privatised. SWCC operates 28 desalination plants, and is the world's largest producer of desalinated water.

Minister of environment, water and agriculture, Abdul Rahman Al-Fadli, added that recycled water will be used in the future for industry and agriculture.

Overall, Saudi wants to attract SAR 200 billion ($53 billion) in private investment in its water sector. "We are envisaging that the capital requirements in the next five years will reach up to SAR 200 billion," said deputy minister of environment, water and agriculture, Mansour Al-Mushaiti.

[출처 = Desalination & Water Reuse / 2016년 11월 30일]

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