[사우디] SWCC, 삼성엔지니어링과의 EPC 계약 취소

사우디 아라비아 얀부 산업 도시의 주요 전력 및 담수화 플랜트에 대한 계약이 취소됐다.

사우디아라비아 해수담수화청(SWCC, Saline Water and Conversion Corporation)이 EPC 계약자인 삼성엔지니어링(Samsung Engineering)과의 프로젝트 변경에 대해 동의하지 않아 계약이 무효화된 것으로 알려졌다. 

이 소식은 한국경제신문이 삼성 엔지니어링의 공시 서류를 인용해 보도했다.

사우디아라비아 해수담수화청은 약 3천㎿ 발전 및 담수화 플랜트용 터빈 사양을 변경했으며, 양측이 가격에 대한 합의에 이르지 못해 계약이 종료됐다.

삼성엔지니어링에 따르면 플랜트는 약 55% 완료됐다고 밝혔다.


Saudi's SWCC cancels EPC contract with Samsung Engineering

The contract for a major power and desalination plant in Yanbu Industrial City, Saudi Arabia, has been cancelled by Saline Water and Conversion Corporation (SWCC) after it disagreed with EPC contractor Samsung Engineering over project changes.

The news was reported by Korea Economic Daily, which quoted a regulatory filing on the subject from Samsung Engineering.

SWCC changed its specifications for turbines for the 3,100 megawatt power and desalination plant, and then ended the contract after the two sides were unable to reach a new agreement on price. The project was due to complete at the end of 2016, but this date had been revised to August 2018 on agreement.

The project is worth KRW1.6 trillion ($1.4 billion), and the contract was originally awarded to Samsung Engineering in 2012 on an engineering, procurement, construction, and testing basis.

Samsung Engineering said that it had received payments of $830 million in line with the project's progression, and that the plant is about 55 per cent complete.

[출처 = Desalination & Water Reuse / 2017년 1월 18일]

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