[미국] Flint water 소송 기각

연방 판사가 플린트 주민들이 주가 물 위기 상황을 어떻게 처리했는가에 대한 집단 소송을 기각했다고 디트로이트 뉴스(The Detroit News)는 보도했다.

John Corbett O'Meara 지방 법원 판사는 이날이 사건을 기각하며 "생활음용수안전법(Safe Water Drinking Act)을 피해갈 것이다"고 주장했다.

이 소송은 2015년, 미시간 주지사인 Lick Snyder와 주 행정부 및 당국자들에 대해 납에 오염된 수자원 위기의 처리에 기초하여 제기되었다.

아직까지 최소 4개의 다른 집단 소송이 플린트 물 문제와 관련하여 미해결상태이다.


Flint water lawsuit dismissed

A federal judge has dismissed a major class-action lawsuit from Flint residents over how the state handled changes in the city's water crisis, Detroit News reports.

U.S. District Judge John Corbett O'Meara dismissed the case on Thursday, saying "allowing ... claims to proceed would circumvent Safe Water Drinking Act."

The lawsuit was filed in 2015 against Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder, the city of Flint and other state and city officials based on their handling of a lead-tainted water crisis that led to several cases of legionella and what plaintiffs argue is ongoing "serious personal injury and property damage."

Judge O'Meara wrote that allowing the suit to continue would be "inconsistent with Congress' carefully tailored scheme" to "entrust the regulation of the public drinking water systems to an expert regulatory agency rather than the courts."

There are at least four other class-action suits still pending regarding the Flint water crisis.

[출처 = Water World / 2017년 2월 3일]

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