[캐나다] 휠셔 디워터링, 온타리오에 수질 서비스 확장

최근 온타리오주의 인프라가 빠른 속도로 성장하고, 토론토시의 수질 관련 허가 절차가 훨씬 까다로워진 가운데 캐나다 미시소거(Mississauga)에 본사를 둔 지하수관리 전문 계약업체 휠셔 디워터링(Hoelscher Dewatering Inc.)은 온타리오에 엄격한 허가 절차를 돕는 서비스를 확장시켰다.

지난해 12월 토론토시는 「개인 수자원 배출 규제(Discharge Permits for Private Water )」에 대한 가이드 라인을 변경하여 프로젝트 시작 날로부터 8∼12주 전에 신청자가 정보를 제공토록 했다.

하수구 배출의 허가 또는 규제 결과는 토론토 워터의 환경 모니터링&보호국(Environmental Monitoring & Protection Unit of Toronto Water)에서 제공한다. 이러한 허가는 시로부터 구입하지 않은 물을 하수도 시스템으로 배출할 때 필요하다. 만일 건설 현장의 건설 폐수를 하수도에 유입시키면 하수도 규칙에 따라(Sewers Bylaw, Municipal Code Chapter 681-Sewers) 벌금이 부과된다.


Hoelscher Dewatering expands services in Ontario

With Infrastructure in Ontario growing at an unprecedented rate, and recent amendments by the City of Toronto making the permit process even more onerous, Hoelscher Dewatering Inc., a Mississauga-based contractor specializing in groundwater management, announced that it has expanded its services to help developers navigate the stringent new approval process.

In December 2016, The City of Toronto changed its guidelines for issuing Discharge Permits for Private Water (e.g. groundwater, surface water etc.), now requiring applicants to provide information eight to twelve weeks prior to the proposed project start date. Sewer discharge permits/agreements are issued by the Environmental Monitoring & Protection Unit of Toronto Water. These permits/agreements are required when water not purchased from the City is discharged into the City sewer system. If construction debris or construction wastewater from a construction site gets into the storm sewer, the company may be fined or charged under the Sewers Bylaw (Municipal Code Chapter 681-Sewers).

As an international contractor specializing in groundwater management, German-based Hoelscher Wasserbau expanded into the Ontario market in the fall of 2016 to help offset the growing demand for groundwater removal at a time when billions of dollars were being invested in new high rise and mass transit construction. Unlike many of its competitors, Hoelscher Dewatering not only tackles the groundwater management needs of large scale construction projects, but helps navigate the complex approval processes to ensure an end-to-end solution for clients that is smooth, on time and on budget.

"This is a heavily regulated industry," said Tim Roeder, Director, Hoelscher Dewatering, Germany. "Part of Hoelscher Dewatering's mass appeal is that we know the business inside and out, both from a local standpoint and internationally. With the steadily rising project requirements in the construction and environmental sectors, when you partner with us, you can feel confident you are partnering with the best."

"Whether you're looking for a groundwater expert before embarking on a new construction project, or a service and maintenance provider during construction, Hoelscher Dewatering is a leading specialist with international credibility and local expertise," said Patrick Maher, Business Development Manager. "We are proud to be the newest North American subsidiary to emerge out of such a successful European enterprise."

[출처 = Water World / 2017년 3월 6일]

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