[캐나다] CRD 폐수처리 프로젝트 건설 착수

캐나다와 브리티시 컬럼비아 당국은 일자리 창출, 환경 보호, 물 관련 지역 문제를 해결을 위해 수도 지역 구(Capital Regional District, CRD)의 폐수 인프라에 약 4억5천9백만 달러를 투자할 계획이라고 밝혔다. 

이에 따라 에스콰이몰트(Esquimalt)의 맥러플린 포인트(McLoughlin Point) 폐수 처리장을 재설계하여 오는 4월에 공사를 진행할 예정이다. 3억8천500만 달러 규모의 이 프로젝트는 캐나다 정부, 브리티시 컬럼비아 주정부, CRD의 자금 지원을 받고있다. 

이번 프로젝트는 CRD 핵심지에 현대적이고 효율적인 폐수처리 시스템을 구축하기 위한 총 3건(7억 6천 5백만 달러 상당)의 프로젝트 중 첫 번째 프로젝트이다. 2020년 말까지 모든 프로젝트 구성 요소가 완성되면 CRD은 주변 해양 생태계에 적합한 현대적 폐수처리 솔루션을 갖추게 된다.


Construction begins on Canadian Capital Regional District's wastewater treatment project 

The governments of Canada and British Columbia are investing a total of approximately $459 million in wastewater infrastructure investments in the Capital Regional District (CRD) that will create jobs, better protect the environment and address regional challenges.

Construction gets underway in April on the redesigned McLoughlin Point Wastewater Treatment Plant in the Township of Esquimalt. The $385 million project is being funded by the Government of Canada, the Government of British Columbia and the CRD.

"The Government of Canada recognizes that we need a solid partnership with all orders of government to support the infrastructure that will prepare us for the future and create the good, well-paying jobs to help the middle class grow and prosper today," said Amarjeet Sohi, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities. "Investing in this Capital Regional District wastewater treatment solution is an investment in our environment and, in the longer term, the jobs and livelihoods of those working in British Columbia's aquaculture industries."

This is the first of three integrated projects totalling an estimated $765 million to put in place a modern, efficient wastewater treatment system for the CRD's core area. The Wastewater Treatment Project includes:

The McLoughlin Point Wastewater Treatment Plant, which will provide tertiary treatment to the core area's wastewater and includes a pipeline from Ogden Point to McLoughlin Point and a new marine outfall for treated water into the Juan de Fuca Strait;

A Residuals Treatment Facility at the Hartland Landfill, which will turn residual solids into "Class A" biosolids; and A conveyance system, which will carry wastewater from across the core area to the treatment plant, and residual solids to the Residuals Treatment Facility.

Once all project components are completed by the end of 2020, CRD residents and businesses will have a modern wastewater treatment solution that is environmentally sensitive to the surrounding marine ecosystem, and will serve their needs well into the future.

[출처 = Water World / 2017년 3월 17일]

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