[미국] Kenosha Water, 자원회수 프로젝트인정  대상 수상

Kenosha Water Utility는 미국 엔지니어링협의회(ACEC)에서 에너지 최적화 자원회수 프로젝트에 대한 권위 있는 대상을 수상했다.

대상은 기술혁신, 고객만족 및 엔지니어링 업계에 대한 기여도가 가장 높은 6개 프로젝트에 주어지는 국가 우수상 중 최고의 상이다.

지난 3월 24일 위스콘신주 쾰러(Kohler, Wis.)의 아메리칸 클럽(American Club)에서 열린 ACEC의 2017 위스콘신 공학상 시상을 겸한 연회(Wisconsin Engineering Excellence Awards Banquet)에서 수여된 이 상은 품질 및 비용 효율적인 솔루션을 통해 높은 고객 만족도를 입증하는 프로젝트를 인정했다.

Donohue and Associates는 이러한 모든 문제를 해결하기 위한 계획을 수립했다. 디자인은 PONDUS 시스템의 설치를 포함하여 북미에서 아직 사용되지 않았던 기술을 사용했다. 이것은 세계에서 소수의 시스템 중 하나이다.

이 시스템은 폐 고체를 분해하는 탁월한 방법으로 인해 바이오가스 생산량이 30 % 증가한다. 이 시스템과 함께 Kenosha의 Centrisys Corporation에서 제공한 원심 분리기가 시스템에 사용된 물의 양을 상당히 줄이기 위해 설치되었다.



Kenosha Water Utility recognized for resource recovery

On Friday, March 24, 2017, the Kenosha Water Utility was honored by the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) with the prestigious Grand Award for its Energy Optimized Resource Recovery Project.

The Grand Award is the top award from among the Best of the State Awards given to six projects that represent the highest degree of technical innovation, client satisfaction and contributions to the engineering industry.

The awards given as part of the ACEC's 2017 Wisconsin Engineering Excellence Awards Banquet held at the American Club in Kohler, Wis., honor projects that demonstrate a high degree of client satisfaction through quality, and cost-effective solutions.

The Kenosha Water Utility set out a progressive goal of a more sustainable wastewater treatment plant. The plant currently handles more than 22 million gallons of wastewater per day and the solids left over from the process had to be loaded onto trucks and hauled away to a landfill. Additionally, the electricity to run the plant increased costs because the facility did not produce its own energy.

Donohue and Associates developed a plan to address all of these issues. The designs used technologies that had not yet been used in North America including the installation of the PONDUS system - one of a handful in the world. This system delivers a 30 percent increase in biogas production due to its superior methods in breaking down waste solids. Alongside this system, centrifuges provided by Centrisys Corporation of Kenosha were installed to significantly reduce the amount of water used in the system.

This allowed the facility to cut the number of digesters in half, saving money on operations and maintenance costs. Overall, the new process is expected to save the utility in excess of $500,000 per year.

Awards judge Anna Varney, PE, said "This design is a great example of integrating innovative technologies into existing infrastructure. Now the main heat energy supply comes from waste heat, biogas is converted into electricity and biosolids are Class A to be used as fertilizer instead of Class B which was previously hauled to a landfill."

The project was focused on a solution that was both practical and sustainable. Both Donohue and Associates and Centrisys Corporation delivered by using cutting-edge technology that met environmental goals and reusing waste materials to realize extreme cost savings.

[출처 = Water World(www.waterworld.com) / 2017년 4월 18일]

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