[미국]  SoCal 하·폐수처리 프로젝트 소송, 샌디에고법원서 승소

미국 캘리포니아주 하이랜드에 있는 스털링천연자원센터(SNRC)는 샌 버나디노 밸리 시립 수계(Valley District)와 이스트 밸리 워터 디스트릭트(East Valley Water District) 조정기관에 대한 버나디노(San Bernardino)시에서 제기한 소송에서 샌디에고 법원 판사는 오늘 승소 판결을 내렸다고 밝혔다. 

미국 캘리포니주 환경보호법(CEQA)의 가장 엄격한 환경법에 따라 물 재이용 프로젝트의 환경영향보고서(EIR)에 이의 신청을 제기한 이번 소송은 SNRC가 모든 계정에 대해 찬성한 판결이다.  긍정적인 판결은 SNRC가 CEQA를 준수함을 확인하고 프로젝트가 최첨단 물재활용 시설을 만드는 계획을 추진할 수 있게 되었다. 

Susan Longville은 "이번 판결은 샌 버나디노 밸리에서 국부적으로 사용되는 물의 양을 줄이고 오렌지 카운티의 산타 아나 강(Santa Ana River)으로 보내 재사용을 위한 수처리 프로젝트를 수립하는 데 한 걸음 더 가까워지고 있다"라면서 "스털링천연자원센터(Sterling Natural Resource Center)는 매년 1천만 갤런의 하·폐수를 처리하여 매년 자체 지하수 유역을 재충전할 것" 이라고 밝혔다.

최근에는 캘리포니주 수자원관리국(National Water Resources Control Board)에서 SNRC에 대한 1211 허가를 승인했으며, 이는 프로젝트가 매일 벙커 힐 분지 재충전 계획에 따라 1천만 갤런의 재이용수를 사용하여 진행할 수 있게 하는 중요한 허가다. 또한 섹션7의 승인을 받았으며, 연방 기관인 미국 어류 및 야생 동물 서비스 및 육군 Corp of Engineers에 의해 프로젝트의 EIR이 긍정적으로 확인됐다.

스털링천연자원센 (Sterling Natural Resource Center)는 수백 건의 임시 건축 작업을 가져 오며 직·간접적으로 약 1천400개의 일자리를 창출하고 지역 학생들에게 직업훈련 및 교육 기회를 제공하며 공동체 모임 공간을 제공하고 있다.  많은 현지 기업 소유주와 지역 사회 구성원이 이 프로젝트와 지역 사회에 도움이 되는 모든 것을 지원하고 있다. 


SoCal wastewater treatment project certified in compliance with CEQA by SD Superior Court

HIGHLAND, CA, MAY 23, 2017 -- The Sterling Natural Resource Center (SNRC) today announced a San Diego Superior Court judge ruled in its favor in a lawsuit filed by the City of San Bernardino against coordinating agencies San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District (Valley District) and East Valley Water District. The lawsuit, which challenged the recycled water project's Environmental Impact Report (EIR) under the toughest environmental law in the United States, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), was overthrown by the judge in SNRC's favor on all accounts. The positive ruling affirms the SNRC is in compliance with CEQA, and allows the project to advance with its plans of creating a state-of-the-art recycled water facility.

"This ruling brings the San Bernardino Valley one step closer to building a project that will reduce the amount of water used only once locally and then sent down the Santa Ana River for Orange County to treat and reuse," said Valley District Board President Susan Longville. "The Sterling Natural Resource Center will treat up to 10 million gallons of wastewater every day that will be used to recharge our own local groundwater basin year after year."

Recently, the State Water Resources Control Board authorized a 1211 permit to the SNRC, a crucial permit that will allow the project to move forward with its plans of recharging the Bunker Hill Basin with up to 10 million gallons of recycled water daily. It also received a Section 7 authorization, a positive affirmation of the project's EIR by federal agencies U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Army Corp of Engineers, among others.

The Sterling Natural Resource Center will bring hundreds of temporary construction jobs, directly and indirectly initiate nearly 1,400 jobs, offer job training and educational opportunities to local students and provide a community gathering space. Many local business owners and community members have spoken out in support of the project and all that it brings to our community.

The City of San Bernardino cited public health, cost and environmental concerns in the lawsuit against the project's EIR, but the court found no evidence to prove any of its claims against the Sterling Natural Resource Center.

"This is a major win for the residents of Highland and San Bernardino," said East Valley Water District Board Chairman Ron Coats. "This victory means that the Sterling Natural Resource Center will move forward with development and taxpayer dollars will no longer be spent on legal fees."

About Sterling Natural Resource Center
The Sterling Natural Resource Center (SNRC) is a state-of-the-art facility in Highland, Calif., that will provide a sustainable new water supply to boost the region's water independence. Capable of treating up to 10 million gallons a day, the SNRC recharges the local Bunker Hill Groundwater Basin and creates new opportunities for the surrounding community in the form of education and training, community space, neighborhood improvements, and new habitat for the Santa Ana Sucker fish. Located on North Del Rosa Drive between East Fifth and East Sixth Streets, SNRC is a project of the San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District and treats wastewater generated within East Valley Water District's service area. For more information visit www.sterlingnrc.com.

About San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District
San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District (Valley District) was formed in 1954 to import supplemental water. As a regional water provider, they bring water into its service area through participation in the State Water Project (SWP) and manage groundwater storage within its boundaries. Valley District covers 353 square miles in southwestern San Bernardino County and serves a population of approximately 770,000. The District boundary spans the eastern two-thirds of the San Bernardino Valley, and the cities of San Bernardino, Colton, Loma Linda, Redlands, Rialto, Bloomington, Highland, Mentone, Grand Terrace, and Yucaipa. For more visit www.sbvmwd.com.

About East Valley Water District
East Valley Water District was formed in 1954 and provides water and wastewater collection services to more than 100,000 residents within the City of Highland and portions of both the City and County of San Bernardino. EVWD operates under the direction of a five-member elected Board. More information is available at www.eastvalley.org.

[출처 = Water World(www.waterworld.com) / 2017년 5월 23일]

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