[Xylem] 중국 최대규모 지하폐수 재활용플랜트 진행

2016-05-31     워터저널

[Xylem] 중국 최대규모 지하폐수 재활용플랜트 진행

자이럼(Xylem)은 폭넓은 정부 계획의 일환으로 중국에서 지하 폐수재사용 플랜트 개발 지원업체로 선정됐다. 31㏊ 부지에 신설될 Huaifang 폐수재사용 플랜트의 목표는 현재 베이징 남부에 몰려 있는 하수처리 물량을 완화하고 량수이 강(Liangshui River)의 수질을 개선하 는 것이다.

지하폐수 재활용시설은 표층수 환경질기준 4단계에 부합하는 재생수를 생산하는 160㎥ 규모의 바이오리액터 4기를 포함할 예정이다.


China’s largest underground wastewater recycling plant moves ahead

Xylem has been selected to support the development of an underground wastewater recycling plant in China as part of a wider government initiative.

The aim is for the new 31 hectare Huaifang wastewater recycling plant will ease sewage treatment pressure currently being experienced in the south of Beijing and improve the water quality of the Liangshui River.
The underground wastewater recycling facility will house four 160 square metre bioreactors, producing recycled water to level four (IV) of Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water. This means that the water can be used for landscaping, industrial, municipal and other purposes.

Xylem has provided ten water inflow lifting pumps, 320 mixers for the bio-treatment process aeration pool, 52 pumps for the membrane filtration of the water reuse process and two pumps for transporting treated wastewater to an above-ground wetland area.

As an underground treatment plant the aim is for the facility to reduce land occupancy as well as containing any noise and foul odours emanating from the plant.

Among more than 600 cities across China, almost half of them suffer from water shortages.

Beijing, China’s vast and densely populated capital city, is one such city currently facing an acute water shortage and recycled water has been identified as an important component of the region’s future water supply portfolio.

In 2013, the Beijing Municipal Government launched a three-year plan to expedite the construction of wastewater treatment and water recycling facilities in order to increase reclaimed water supply to 4.13 million cubic meters per day, or 1.1 billion cubic meters annually in the Beijing region.

Grey water will be used for industrial and municipal purposes while sludge will be treated and reused as landfill as well as forest soil enrichment.

Shuping Lu, president of Xylem China, said: “The development incorporates advanced, energy-efficient technologies that will significantly contribute to a sustainable, water secure future, while also delivering valuable ecological co-benefits.”

[출처 = Water World / 2016년 5월 26일]