[Suez] 미쯔비시와 홍해·사해 프로젝트 최종 후보자 명단에 올라

2016-12-06     워터저널

[Suez] 미쯔비시와 홍해·사해 프로젝트 최종 후보자 명단에 올라

요르단(Jordan)의 수자원관개부가 홍해·사해 프로젝트(the Red Sea Dead Sea project)의 1단계 입찰 최종 후보자 명단에 다섯 개의 컨소시엄을 넣었다.

다섯 개의 컨소시엄은 △CNTIC(China National Technical Import & Export Corporation) 컨소시엄 △Hutchison Water International Holdings △Korea Water Resources Corporation △Mitsubishi Corporation △Suez International SAS 등이다.

이번 발표는 프로젝트에 참여 의사를 밝힌 총 17개의 컨소시엄 중 PQ(사전적격성심사) 과정을 통해 선발한 결과다.

홍해·사해 프로젝트의 1단계는 BOT 계약으로 25년 간 추진될 예정이며, 2018년 착공해 2020년 완공을 목표로 하고 있다.

프로젝트 총 비용은 약 10억1천만 달러로 책정됐으며, 이 중 4억 달러는 요르단에 의해 조달된다.


Suez and Mitsubishi on shortlist for Red Sea Dead Sea project

Jordan's Water and Irrigation Ministry has shortlisted five consortia to submit definitive bids for phase one of the Red Sea Dead Sea project.

They are: CNTIC Consortium (China National Technical Import & Export Corporation); Hutchison Water International Holdings; Korea Water Resources Corporation; Mitsubishi Corporation; and Suez International SAS.

The announcement follows a pre-qualification process in which 17 consortia expressed an interest to participate in the project.

Phase one will be structured as a build, operate, transfer contract over 25 years. Construction is due to begin in 2018 and complete in 2020, including an intake facility to abstract 700 million m3/year of Red Sea water, a treatment and desalination plant with capacity of 80 to 100 million m3/year, at a site north of Aqaba airport; and 17 kilometres of 900 mm freshwater pipeline.

The cost of the entire Red Sea Dead Sea project is pegged at $1.1 billion, of which $400 million has been raised by Jordan.

Israel and Jordan are still to conclude a bi-lateral agreement, whereby Israel acquires desalinated water on a "take or pay" basis, and Jordan buys the same amount of Lake Tiberius water.

The Red Sea Dead Sea project took a big step forward in December 2013 when Jordan and Israel signed a memorandum of understanding in Washington DC, US.

[출처 = Desalination & Water Reuse / 2016년 11월 30일]