[이스라엘] 타카두, 운영 효율성 향상 위해 Esri ArcGIS와 통합 발표

2019-05-21     워터저널

[이스라엘] 타카두, 운영 효율성 향상 위해 Esri ArcGIS와 통합 발표


글로벌 물관리 기반 시설 및 모니터링 시스템 전문 업체인 타카두(TaKaDu)는 최근 Esri 파트너 네트워크에 가입한 이후 미국의 녹스빌 유틸리티 보드(Knoxville Utilities Board , KUB)에서 지리정보 시스템(GIS) 소프트웨어 분야의 세계적인 선두 주자인 Esri ArcGIS와의 통합을 발표했다.

TaKaDu의 Central Event Management(CEM) 솔루션과 데이터 분석을 Esri ArcGIS 플랫폼과 결합하면 유틸리티가 운영 효율성을 높이고 물 손실을 줄일 수 있다.

KUB의 수자원엔지니어링(Water System Engineering) 기술자인 테드 타이리(Ted Tyree)는 "TaKaDu의 CEM을 2년 전에 구현한 이후로 우리는 네트워크 효율을 향상시키고 비 수익원 물을 줄이기 시작했다. Esri와의 최신 통합은 네트워크 가시성을 향상시켜 네트워크 성능에 대한 실시간 개요를 제공한다"면서 "우리는 우선 순위를 지정하고 과제를 보다 쉽게 할당하고 보다 신속하게 대응할 수 있으며 의사 결정 과정을 최적화 할 수 있다"고 말했다.

타이페이(Taipei)의 EVP Sales & Business Development인 지브 자렛스키(Ziv Zaretsky)는 "TaKaDu의 Central Event Management(CEM) 솔루션은 Esri ArcGIS Online 플랫폼과 통합되어 트렌드, 누출, 파열, 미터 오류, 텔레 메 트리 및 데이터 문제 개발 등 네트워크 이벤트 시각화 및 관리를 위한 단일 인터페이스를 제공하여 보다 빠르고 스마트하게 대응한다"면서 "여러 리소스에서 수집된 귀중한 정보를 바탕으로 사용자의 네트워크 작업을 시각적으로 보여주고 네트워크 이벤트를 운영 대시 보드에 매핑할 수 있다"고 강조했다.

Global Water Practice Esri의 데이비드 와찰(David Wachal) 이사는 "TaKaDu와 ArcGIS의 통합은 강력한 이벤트 모델링, 예측 및 분석을 위한 TaKaDu 및 시각화 및 매핑 기능을 위한 ArcGIS를 활용하는 완벽한 물관리 시스템을 고객에게 제공하는 커다란 파트너십을 의미한다"라면서 "Esri 고객은 대시 보드, 응답 및 추가 공간 분석에 대한 정보를 활용하여 TaKaDu 결과의 가치를 확장할 수 있다"라고  말했다.



TaKaDu의 KUB의 Esri ArcGIS® 온라인 플랫폼과의 통합.


TaKaDu Announces Integration with Esri ArcGISfor Greater Operational Efficiency

Yehud, Israel - May 20th 2019 - TaKaDu today announced its first deployment of its integration with Esri ArcGIS® at Knoxville Utilities Board (KUB) in the US, the first since joining the Esri Partner Network. Esri is the global market leader in geographic information system (GIS) software. Combining TaKaDu's Central Event Management (CEM) solution and data analytics with the Esri ArcGIS platform enables utilities to improve their operational efficiency and reduce water loss.

“Since implementing TaKaDu’s CEM almost two years ago, we’ve improved our network efficiency and begun to reduce our non-revenue water. This latest integration with Esri further improves our network visibility, providing a more real-time overview of our network performance. We’ll be able to prioritize and assign tasks more easily, ensure an even faster response and optimize our decision-making process”, said Ted Tyree, Engineer, Water Systems Engineering at KUB.

“TaKaDu’s Central Event Management (CEM) solution has been integrated with the Esri ArcGIS® Online platform to provide one single interface for visualizing and managing network events - including developing trends, leaks, bursts, faulty meters, telemetry and data issues, and more - facilitating a faster and smarter response every time. With valuable information aggregated from multiple resources, the solution provides a bird’s eye view of a user’s network operations, mapping out network events in an operational dashboard”, said Ziv Zaretsky, EVP Sales & Business Development, at TaKaDu.

 TaKaDu is a Silver member of the Esri Partner Network, a rich ecosystem of organizations that work together to amplify The Science of Where. GIS Partners build on, extend, and help implement the ArcGIS platform.

“TaKaDu’s integration with ArcGIS signifies a committed partnership that will provide customers with a complete event management system leveraging TaKaDu for its robust event modeling, prediction and analytics and ArcGIS for its visualization and mapping capabilities. Esri customers can extend the value of TaKaDu results by leveraging the information for dashboarding, response, and additional spatial analytics”, said David Wachal, Director Global Water Practice Esri.

About Esri
Esri, the global market leader in geographic information system (GIS) software, offers the most powerful mapping and spatial analytics technology available. Since 1969, Esri has helped customers unlock the full potential of data to improve operational and business results.

Today, Esri software is deployed in more than 350,000 organizations including the world's largest cities, most national governments, 75 percent of Fortune 500 companies, and more than 7,000 colleges and universities. Esri engineers the most advanced solutions for digital transformation, the Internet of Things (IoT), and location analytics to inform the most authoritative maps in the world. Visit us at esri.com.

About TaKaDu
TaKaDu (www.takadu.com) is a global leader in Central Event Management solutions for water utilities. TaKaDu’s cloud-based service enables utilities to detect, analyze and manage network events and incidents, such as leaks, bursts, faulty assets, telemetry and data issues, operational failures, water quality and more.

TaKaDu acts as the central management layer for all network events detected by its own data analytics engine and other external alerting systems (e.g. acoustic loggers, sensor alerts). TaKaDu is integrated with other IT systems (e.g. GIS, work order, CRM, call center and asset management), as well as being part of a comprehensive Smart City solution.

Converting raw data into knowledge using big data analytics and algorithms, TaKaDu provides visibility and actionable insights for increased efficiency, water loss reduction and improved customer service. A cloud-based SaaS platform, TaKaDu brings together huge amounts of information in an easy-to-use, flexible and scalable solution. TaKaDu’s IoT solution is operational 24/7 in leading water utilities in 13 countries.

[출처=TaKaDu(https://www.takadu.com/esri) / 2019년 5월 20일 보도자료]