국제 담수화 협회 IDA 및 GWI의 자료에 따르면 올해 신규건설의 담수화 용량은 600만㎥/일 규모로 지난해와 비교하여 50%이상 증가된 것으로 나타났다. 이로써 전 세계적으로 1만7천277개소의 담수플랜트가 운영 중이며 총 8천90만㎥/일 생산 규모이다.

이는 런던에 내리는 32년간 강우량과 같은 규모이다. 이러한 성장을 이끌고 있는 주요 분야는 발전소 및 석유정체 플랜트 등 산업용 분야이며 2010년부터 전체 시장의 45%를 점유, 2010년 이전의 27% 수준과 비교하여 커다란 성장이 있었다.

향후 담수화 수요는 더욱 증가될 추세이며 산업용분야에 편중, 이는 water-energy nexus와 관련되어 담수화와 발전소 건설이 공동으로 추진되는 경향으로 보여진다. 유형별로 보면 바닷물 담수화가 59%로 가장 많으며 다음으로 저염도 기수용 담수화가 22%, 강물사용이 9% 그밖에 폐수용 및 청정수용이 각각 5%를 차지한다.

지역별로 보면 사우디 910만㎥/일, UAE가 840만㎥/일 규모이며 최근 중국도 150만㎥/일 규모로 급격히 증가했다. 현재 담수화플랜트의 설치규모에 따른 순위는 사우디아라비아, UAE, 스페인, 쿠웨이트, 알제리아, 호주, 카타르, 이스라엘, 중국 및 리비아 순이다.

한편 향후 5년간 담수화의 급격한 성장이 예상되는 국가는 남아공화국, 요르단, 멕시코, 리비아, 칠레, 중국, 인도 등이다.


Desalination capacity increasing by 50% in 2013 says IDA

Desalination plants with a total capacity of 6 million m³/d are expected to come on line during 2013, a 50% increase on 2012, according to new data from the International Desalination Association and GWI DesalData.

The new capacity takes the total capacity of all 17,277 commissioned desalination plants in the world to 80.9 million m³/d.

An increasing proportion of the growth in capacity is coming from the industrial sector. Since 2010, which exceeded the current figures, 45% of new desalination plants have been ordered by industrial users such as power stations and refineries, while in the previous four years, only 27% of new capacity was ordered by industry.

Industrial applications for desalination grew to 7.6 million m³/d for 2010‑2013 (compared with 5.9 million m³/d for 2006‑2009). Of this, the power industry accounted for 16%; oil & gas ‑ 12% (up from 7% from 2006‑2009); mining & metals ‑ 11%; refining & chemicals, 11%; electronics ‑ 5%; and food & beverages ‑ 3%. Other industrial applications accounted for the remaining 40%.

"Ongoing enhancements in energy efficiency continue to be a key focus for the desalination industry," said Patricia Burke, IDA Secretary General. "While we have made significant improvements in the past couple of decades, we continue to seek additional ways to reduce energy requirements through development of new technologies, implementation of best practices and/or retrofits in existing plants, increased use of hybrid technologies, and efforts to harness the potential of renewable energy to power desalination plants."

Seawater desalination continues to represents the largest percentage of online global capacity at 59%, followed by brackish water at 22%, river water at 9%, and wastewater and pure water at 5% each.

China has passed 1 million m³ of desalination as it moves up the top seawater desalination countries by online capacity:

Country - Commissioned seawater desalination capacity (m³/d)

Saudi Arabia - 9,170,391
UAE - 8,381,299
Spain - 3,781,314
Kuwait - 2,586,761
Algeria - 2,364,055
Australia - 1,823,154
Qatar - 1,780,708
Israel - 1,532,723
China - 1,494,198
Libya - 1,048,424

The markets which are expected to see the fastest growth in desalination over the next five years are: South Africa, Jordan, Mexico, Libya, Chile, India and China, all of which are expected to more than double their desalination capacity.

The new Desalination Inventory is being released in the week leading up to the 2013 IDA World Congress, which takes place 20-25 October 2013 in Tianjin, China, where these and other developments will be explored during a four day technical program and the latest technologies will be exhibited.
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