웨스턴 오스트레일리아의 수자원 공사가 퍼스에 건설될 대규모 물 보충 플랜트(AWRP)의 설계·건설을 위해 CH2M HILL과 계약을 체결했다고 밝혔다. 이 플랜트는 호주의 첫 폐수 재활용 프로젝트이며 기후회복을 위한 수자원 공사의 전략적인 과정의 일환이다.

플랜트의 초기 단계의 건설은 다음달에 시작될 예정이며 플랜트는 고품질로 처리된 폐수를 퍼스의 지하수 대수층에 주입한다. 또한, 초기에 140억 리터의 수용량을 갖고 점차 280억 리터로 확장할 계획이다.

한편, 수자원공사는 기술적·사회적 시행할 수 있는 지하수 보충방법을 위한 지속가능한 물을 생산을 위해 폐수 재활용에 대해 2010~2012년 복잡한 지하수 보충 시험(GRT)를 실시해 왔다.


Western Australia to receive first full-scale groundwater replenishment plant

Western Australia's Water Corporation has awarded CH2M HILL, as part of a joint venture with Thiess, a contract to design, construct and commission a full-scale advanced water replenishment plant (AWRP) in the city of Perth. The plant is the first wastewater recycling project of its kind in Australia and is a major step in progressing the Water Corporation's strategy for climate resiliency.

Construction on the first stage of the plant will begin later this month. The plant, which will inject highly-treated wastewater into Perth's underground aquifers, will have an initial capacity of 14 billion liters -- double the project's original capacity, with an option to expand to 28 billion liters in the future.

"With Australia's dry climate, groundwater replenishment provides a secure, rainfall-independent water source and will be an integral part of northern Perth's future water security," said Chris Morris, CH2M HILL Australia and New Zealand geography manager.

The Water Corporation undertook a complex groundwater replenishment trial (GRT) from 2010 to 2012 at the Beenyup wastewater treatment plant site to assess the technical and social feasibility of constructing such an advanced wastewater recycling plant for producing water that is suitable for replenishing groundwater.

The trial -- which involved treating approximately 3.5 billion liters of treated effluent from Beenyup using ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis (RO) and ultraviolet (UV) disinfection, as well as storing the water in an underground aquifer where it can be further filtered by natural processes -- was successful.

The new AWRP will be built on the same site as the trial, in Craigie. Construction of the project is expected to be in commission by October 2016. When commissioned, the plant will help Perth meet its future drinking water needs through 2060. For more information, visit http://www.watercorporation.com.au/gwr.

[출처 = Water World / 2014년 8월 8일]

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