[미국] 뉴욕시 소기업, 새 기금 하에 홍수방지 기술 적용
이달 초, 뉴욕시 경제개발공사(NYCEDC)는 OptiRTC사와 Geosyntec 컨설턴트가 뉴욕시 내 소규모 사업장을 위한 홍수방지 기술을 제공하는 데 대한 경합 기금을 수여받았다고 밝혔다.

프로젝트의 미션은 대형태풍 발생 시 소규모 사업장의 복원력을 강화하기 위한 것으로, 기금은 지난 허리케인 샌디(Sandy)와 같은 강도의 태풍으로부터 소기업을 보호하기 위한 목적의 NYCEDC 계획을 통해 수여됐다.
NYC small businesses to receive flood-proofing technologies under new grant
Earlier this month, the New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) announced that OptiRTC, Inc. (Opti), a technology company that delivers Software-as-a-Service solutions, and Geosyntec Consultants, a specialized consulting and engineering firm, have won a competitive grant to provide flood-proofing technologies to small businesses in New York City, N.Y.
The mission of the project is to enhance the resiliency of small businesses to large storm events. The grant was awarded through an NYCEDC initiative to protect local businesses against the crippling power of storms like Hurricane Sandy. The competition -- Resiliency Innovations for a Stronger Economy: New York (RISE: NYC) -- awarded up to $30 million in grants to deploy "new, innovative and cost-effective" solutions to "enable buildings and infrastructure networks to better resist, adapt to or bounce back from future storms."
"RISE: NYC is part of the city's comprehensive suite of initiatives to mitigate the effects of severe weather and climate change on New Yorkers, and all of the winning technologies will help support and strengthen small businesses across the city," said NYCEDC President Kyle Kimball. "Each of the 11 innovative winning technologies will make the city a safer, stronger and more resilient place, creating economic support and additional opportunities for New Yorkers and small businesses."
Opti will provide Active Floodproofing technology -- a flexible and adaptive system capable of autonomously monitoring current and predicted conditions and initiating actions. Business owners will receive alerts, automated flood control and greater resiliency through the company's integration of internet-based sensor data, NOAA forecasts and other site-specific information and control logic for valves and other flood-proofing mechanisms, including actions that businesses can take themselves.
The results of regional flood modeling will also provide site-specific information that will be integrated into Opti's platform to produce tailored problem identification and solutions for each site. "From where we stand, we can see a world where information and infrastructure work together for a more resilient future," said Marcus Quigley, Founder and CEO of Opti. "I'm excited to empower New York businesses with access to hyperlocal flood risk information."

[출처 = Water World / 2015년 5월 19일]

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