[미국] 샌디에고 카운티 물 위원회 이사회, 광범위 물관리 계획 채택

샌디에고 카운티 물 위원회 이사회는 2015 도시 물관리 계획을 채택했다. 이 계획은 효율적인 물사용에 관한 지속적인 강조와 가뭄대처를 위한 수자원의 계속된 발전을 통해 지역의 안전하고 믿을 수 있는 물공급을 유지하기 위한 전략을 분명히 한 것이다.

물관리 계획들은 앞으로 25년 동안 물수요를 충당하기 위한 자치단체의 계획 수립 노력을 보고하기 위한 중요한 도구다. 이것들은 또한 물공급 가용성의 대규모 개발을 승인하는 것과 연결된 주 법을 따른다. 법에 따라 계획들은 5년마다 반드시 갱신되어야 한다.

2015 UWMP로 알려진 새로 채택된 물관리 계획은 업데이트된 과정이 시작하는 올해 기준으로 한다. 계획은 2020년에는 물수요가 13% 정도 낮아 질 것으로 전망되며, 지자체가 2010년에 작성한 계획의 전망과 비교하여 2035년에는 12% 정도 낮아 질것으로 예상된다. 이러한 감소는 인구변화와 경제전망의 변화에 기인한다. SANDAG에서 한 경제 전망은 주로 경기 대침체(Great Recession)와 지역주민 및 기업들의 물사용 효율성에 있어서 장기적 발전에 기반 하여 만들어졌다.



The San Diego County Water Authority Board of Directors has adopted the 2015 Urban Water Management Plan, which identifies strategies for the region to maintain its safe and reliable water supply through the continued development of drought-resilient water resources and a sustained emphasis on water-use efficiency.
Water management plans are important tools for reporting water agencies' planning efforts to meet demands over the next 25 years. They also support state laws that link approval for large developments to water supply availability. By law, the plans must be updated every five years.

The newly adopted management plan, known as the 2015 UWMP, is based on the year when the updating process began. It estimates that future water demands will be about 13 percent lower in 2020 and about 12 percent lower in 2035 compared to projections in the agency’s 2010 plan. The reduction is due to changes in demographic and economic projections by SANDAG that were primarily driven by the Great Recession and long-term improvements in water-use efficiency by residents and businesses.

Projected water demands are anticipated to be met through the Water Authority’s development of existing supplies, such as the 2003 Colorado River conservation-and-transfer agreements and the completion of the Claude "Bud" Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plant last year. In addition, the 2015 UWMP identifies several other verified or planned efforts by the region’s water agencies to generate more highly reliable, locally controlled supplies such as new recycling and groundwater recovery projects. Potable reuse programs under way in the City of San Diego and the Padre Dam Municipal Water District, and the expansion at the Sweetwater Authority’s Richard A. Reynolds Groundwater Desalination Facility, are examples of the many water-recycling or groundwater recovery programs projected to add to the region’s water supply.

"Our region’s success in becoming more water-efficient, coupled with the continued development of local, drought-resilient water supplies, provides residents and businesses with a secure outlook for our most precious natural resource," said Mark Weston, chair of the Water Authority’s Board of Directors. "We have a long history of making good on our plans, and I have every confidence that we will continue to take the necessary steps to ensure supply reliability for decades to come."

A draft of the plan was released for public comment on April 29, and the comment period included a public hearing on May 26. The Water Authority received seven written comments, six of which expressed support for the draft plan.

The Water Authority coordinated with its member agencies to prepare the draft 2015 UWMP, and it continued to work with member agencies over the past two months to refine data and make other enhancements. The refinements included:

Revisions to baseline demand projections for normal, single dry and multiple dry years

Modifications to anticipated near-term annexations and associated water demands
Updates to local supply estimates based on member agencies’ data
Updates to the categorization of supply projects, including verifiable supplies, additional planned projects and conceptual projects
Updated information on Gov. Jerry Brown’s May 2016 executive order and the State Water Resources Control Board’s Emergency Water Conservation Regulation, including drought-response actions by the Water Authority

The Final 2015 Urban Water Management Plan is at www.sdcwa.org/uwmp.

The San Diego County Water Authority sustains a $218 billion regional economy and the quality of life for 3.2 million residents through a multi-decade water supply diversification plan, major infrastructure investments and forward-thinking policies that promote fiscal and environmental responsibility. A public agency created in 1944, the Water Authority delivers wholesale water supplies to 24 retail water providers, including cities, special districts and a military base.

[출처 = Water World / 2016년 6월 27일]

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