[미국] 캘리포니아 파운튼 밸리, 센서스 기술로 물절감 목표 달성

샌서스(Sensus)사의 새로운 기술을 통해 매주 12차례가 넘는 누수 경보가 캘리포니아 파운튼 밸리 시티(City of Fountain Valley)에서 나왔다. 이 모든 것들이 주 전역에 가뭄이 번져 20%까지 물사용을 줄이기 위한 노력의 일환이다. 1년 전 파운튼 밸리는 주에서 수십 갤런의 물을 절약하는 것을 돕기 위해 센서스 기술을 배치했다. 시스템을 설치 후 불과 몇 주 만에, 많은 물의 낭비 및 가정집의 토대를 무너뜨릴 수 있는 3곳의 상수도 시설 누수를 막았다.



More than a dozen water leak alerts come into the City of Fountain Valley, California each week through its new Sensus technology. It is all part of an effort to reduce water use by 20 percent in a state plagued by drought. Fountain Valley deployed Sensus technology one year ago to help the state save billions of gallons of water. Within a few short months of installing the system, the utility stopped three leaks that threatened to waste even more water and ruin a home’s foundation.

"Sensus solutions helped us to monitor drought conservation regulations and exceed our goal of a 20 percent drop in water use," said Mark Sprague, utilities manager, City of Fountain Valley. "The smart water network alerts us to high volume users and allows us to work closely with those customers to find ways to use water more efficiently."

Smart water technology regularly monitors water usage and proactively shares that data with residents and businesses, enabling the entire city to work together to conserve water and prevent leaks. "That collaboration resulted in a 23 percent decrease in water usage in the second half of 2015," said Sprague. "And, during a time when every drop of water counts, an additional three percent means a lot."

The city relies on the Sensus smart water network, including the FlexNet® communication system, iPERL™ residential and OMNI™ commercial meters, to empower customers to identify areas where they can cut back on water use and help the city to proactively identify leaks.

The FlexNet system is a long-range radio network that provides a scalable and reliable communications infrastructure that enables smart water networks and smart cities. Sensus OMNI commercial meters offer sustained precision over time, and Sensus iPERL water meters capture the lowest flows and maintain measurement accuracy for their 20-year lifetime.

About Sensus

Sensus helps a wide range of public service providers?from utilities to cities to industrial complexes and campuses?do more with their infrastructure to improve quality of life in their communities. We enable our customers to reach farther through the application of technology and data-driven insights that deliver efficiency and responsiveness. We partner with them to anticipate and respond to evolving business needs with innovation in sensing and communications technologies, data analytics and services. Learn more at sensus.com and follow @SensusGlobal on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

[출처 = Water World / 2016년 6월 28일]

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