[미국] 조지메이슨대학, 포토맥강에 오일 유출로 수질오염방지법 위반

미국 EPA는 조지메이슨대학(George Mason University)이 2만964달러의 벌금을 지불할 것이라고 발표했다. 버지니아 페어팩스(Fairfax)에 있는 저장시설에서 포토맥강(Potomac River)으로 흘러들어가는 수로에 연료오일 방출과 관련한 위반에 따른 합의결과이다.

EPA는 수공간으로 오일 방출에 관한 수질오염방지법(Clean Water Act)의 금지조항 및 법의 유출 방지, 통제 및 대책(Control and Countermeasure, SPCC) 계획 규정 위반에 따라 대학을 소환했다.

EPA에 따르면 2015년 1월 17일에 대략 4천100갤런의 연료오일이 지상저장탱크에서 방출됐으며 약 3천500갤런은 무명의 지류로 흘러 폭풍 배수구로 들어갔다.

유출의 다음 발견에 대학은 즉시 응답했고 오일의 추가적인 하류 공급을 멈추었다. 또한 대학은 빠르게 오일 재생과 오염된 토양 제거 작업을 완료했다.



The U.S. EPA announced that George Mason University will pay a $20,964 penalty to settle alleged violations related to the discharge of fuel oil from a storage facility in Fairfax, Va. into a waterway that flows into the Potomac River.

EPA cited the University for violating the Clean Water Act’s prohibition on oil discharges to waterbodies and the Act’s Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) plan regulations.  The SPCC requirements are designed to prevent oil from reaching navigable waters, and adjoining shorelines, and to contain discharges of oil.

The university’s facility is located about one-half mile from an unnamed tributary of Rabbit Run, which flows through several tributaries and then into the Potomac River.  According to EPA, on Jan. 17, 2015, approximately 4,100 gallons of fuel oil was discharged from aboveground storage tanks, and an estimated 3,500 gallons entered a storm drain that empties into the unnamed tributary.

Following discovery of the spill, the university responded immediately and stopped additional downstream flow of the oil.  The university also quickly completed work on recovering oil and removing the contaminated soils.

As a part of the settlement, George Mason University has come into compliance with federal spill prevention requirements to better protect nearby waterways and possible downstream water supply intakes.  The penalty will be placed in the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund and made available to fund future oil cleanups.

[출처 = Water World/ 2016년 9월 1일]

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