[미국] ASCE 보고서, 미국 식수시스템 하위등급 판정

미국 토목학회(The American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE)의 최신 보고서에 따르면 미국의 식수 시스템은 D등급, 폐수 시스템은 D+ 등급으로 평가되었다. 이 보고서는 특히 미시간 주 플린트(Flint)와 미국 서부의 가뭄 등의 상황을 고려하여 국가 인프라에 대한 투자의 필요성을 강조하고 있다.  

미국 수자원 연합(US Water Alliance)의 CEO Radhika Fox는 "이 보고서의 결과는 물에 대한 투자를 국가 우선 순위에 두어야한다는 사실을 강조하고 있다"며 "D와 D+라는 참담한 평가결과가 나왔지만 미국 수자원 회원국의 혁신적인 성과를 매일 보고 있기 때문에 미래에 낙관적 태도를 취하고 있다"고 전했다. 

국립수도사업협회(National Water Company, 이하 NAWC)의 전무 이사 Michael Deane는 "ASCE에 의해 발표된 연구 결과를 통해 노후화된 수역 인프라 교체의 필요성을 확인했으며, 이 문제들을 해결하기 위해 NAWC 회원사는 수질·환경 기준을 모두 충족시키는 동시에 고객이 기대하는 서비스를 제공하기 위해 관련 기관과 부지런히 협력할 것이다"고 밝혔다. 


U.S. infrastructure gets near failing grade in new ASCE report

The American Society of Civil Engineers’ (ASCE) latest Report Card for America’s Infrastructure has rated the nation’s drinking water systems a D grade and wastewater systems a D+ grade. The grades fall in line with the last few reports and continue to highlight the need for investment in the country's infrastructure, especially in light of events like those seen in Flint, Mich., and the ongoing drought in the western U.S.

Members of water agencies across the country spoke out upon hearing the news.

Radhika Fox, CEO of the US Water Alliance, said: "Water is essential to everything we do. Every community in the country relies on drinking water and wastewater service, and many sectors of our economy are completely reliant on water as well. A D and D+ are daunting grades, but I am optimistic about our future because I see the innovative work of the members of the US Water Alliance every day. I want to thank the ASCE for its steadfast work to shine a light on the incredibly important issue of infrastructure investment. It was a topic that was overlooked for far too long, but we believe is starting to get the attention it deserves. This report reinforces the fact that we need to make reinvesting in water a national priority."

In a statement, NAWC Executive Director Michael Deane said, "The findings released by the ASCE affirm the urgent need to repair or replace aging water infrastructure to ensure resiliency for health, safety, and robust local economies. … While the nation’s water infrastructure faces significant challenges, the National Association of Water Companies’ (NAWC) member utilities work diligently with their respective state economic regulators to ensure rates for water service support the investment needed to meet all water quality and environmental standards and provide the service that customers expect and deserve. NAWC’s members look forward to helping more communities across the country to "improve their grades.'"

Today, American Water Senior Vice President, Regulatory Policy and Business Development Kathy Pape testified before the House Transportation & Infrastructure Sub-Committee on Water Resources and Environment in Washington, D.C. and offered perspectives and recommendations on solving our nation’s water and wastewater infrastructure challenges.

In a statement, she said, "American Water commends the House Transportation & Infrastructure Sub-Committee on Water Resources and Environment for providing a forum to discuss the challenges that face our water and wastewater infrastructure and the potential solutions available through the continued partnership of the private and public sector."

According to Pape, the value of the ASCE Report Card is in raising customer awareness of the critical nature of these issues and the value of our water and wastewater infrastructure, which is largely hidden underground. “That infrastructure is essential to delivering clean, safe, reliable water to our customers, but is often taken for granted until there is an issue,” Pape said. “While much work needs to be done to raise the grade of the nation’s deteriorating water infrastructure, recognizing that a healthy water system truly promotes economic vitality, provides public health, and protects our environment can only improve future scores across the country.”

[출처 = Water World / 2017년 3월 9일]

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