[캐나다] 연방정부, 매니토바 상하수도 프로젝트에 자금 지원

캐나다 연방정부는 매니토바(Manitoba)에 24개의 새로운 상하수도 프로젝트에 3천700만 달러($) 이상을 지원하겠다고 발표했다.

자금은 프레리 뷰(Prairie View)의 농촌지역에 새로운 상하수도 파이프를 설치하고, 카르티에(Cartier)에 있는 엘리 석호(Elie lagoon) 개선 및 몽캄(Montcalm)에 소재한 석호를 새로 구축하는 등 상하수도 프로젝트 분야에 다양하게 지원을 한다.

캐나다 짐 카(Jim Carr) 천연자원부장관은  "효율적인 상하수도 인프라 구축은 캐나다 주민들의 복지를 보호하고 우리 미래세대를 위해 필수적"이라고 말했다.

짐 카(Jim Carr) 장관은 이어 "우리 캐나다 정부는 매니토바 지방자치단체와 긴밀히 협력하는 것은 이 지역의 환경을 보호하여 건강하고 살기 좋은 지역을 유지하기 위한 것으로, 상하수도 프로젝트에 투자하여 주민들이 잘 살도록 하고 일자리를 만들 수 있을 것”이라고 강조했다.

이러한 투자는 2016년 7월 25일 발표 캐나다 정부와 매니토바 자치단체 사이에 체결된 계약의 일부로, 23개 상하수도 프로젝트와 4개의 대중교통 프로젝트가 추진되고 있다. 캐나다 연방 및 주정부 기금에서 약 1억5천300만 달러($)가 지원된다.


Water, wastewater projects across Manitoba receive funding

The governments of Canada and Manitoba announced more than $37 million in combined funding for 24 new water and wastewater projects across Manitoba.

The funding will support a variety of water and wastewater projects, like upgrading the Elie lagoon in the Rural Municipality of Cartier, building a new lagoon in the Rural Municipality of Montcalm, and building a new municipal well and piping network in the Rural Municipality of Prairie View.

"Modern, efficient water and wastewater infrastructure is essential to safeguarding the well-being of Canadian families and building the Canada we want for tomorrow," Jim Carr, minister of natural resources, said. "We are working closely with the Government of Manitoba and municipalities to invest in important water and wastewater projects that will protect the environment, keep communities in the Province healthy and livable, and create well-paying jobs for the middle-class."

These investments are part of the bilateral agreement between Canada and Manitoba, announced on July 25, 2016, and are in addition to approximately $153 million in federal and provincial funding announced that day for 23 water and wastewater projects and 4 public transit projects.

"We are pleased to partner with the federal government to invest in water and wastewater infrastructure across Manitoba," Eileen Clarke, minister of indigenous and municipal relations, said. "These important projects will help foster sustainable economic growth and safe, healthy communities for Manitobans to live and work. Our Government will continue to provide strong support for municipal infrastructure while building on our new, streamlined 'Single Window' application approach."

The Government of Canada is providing Manitoba with up to $95,250,782 under the new Clean Water and Wastewater Fund, and will fund up to 50 per cent of the eligible project costs.

For the 24 projects announced today, the federal government is providing up to $18.6 million, the Province is providing approximately $9.3 million, and local municipalities are contributing the balance of the funding or about $9.3 million.

The Government of Canada will provide more than $180 billion in infrastructure funding over 12 years for public transit, green infrastructure, social infrastructure, transportation that supports trade, and Canada's rural and northern communities.

Budget 2017 proposes $21.9 billion for investments for green infrastructure. This amount includes $5 billion that will be available for investment through the Canada Infrastructure Bank.

[출처 = Water World(/www.waterworld.com) / 2017년 4월 19일]

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