[영국] 자체 학습 소프트웨어로 누수 예측 및 방지

Utility Portsmouth Water는 6개월간의 경쟁 시험기간 동안 총 322건의 변칙과 43건의 파열을 알아본 후 새로운 누출 감지 소프트웨어를 완전히 채택할 예정이다.

6개월간의 이 단계에서는 Servelec Technologies의 누출 감지 소프트웨어 FlowSure를 포함한 몇 가지 기술을 테스트했다.

공급 업체가 '자체 학습 사건 감지 시스템'이라고 부르는 이 소프트웨어는 수도 네트워크의 누수를 예측 및 방지하기 위한 데이터의 변칙을 감지하여 작동한다. 시각적 대시보드, 지도, 파이프 뷰, 경보의 조합은 유틸리티가 문제를 진단, 완화, 해결하는 데 이용된다.

영국의 수도 회사들은 특히 가정 및 기업이 당연시 여기는 깨끗한 물 공급이 중단되는 것을 방지하기 위해 누출을 최소화하라는 강화된 압력을 받고 있다.



Utility Portsmouth Water will be fully adopting new leakage detection software after it picked up a total of 322 anomalies and 43 bursts during a six-month competitive trial.

The six month phase saw the utility test several technologies, including Servelec Technologies’ leakage detection software FlowSure.

Called a “self-learning event detection system” by the supplier, the software works by detecting anomalies in data to predict and avoid leakage in a water network. A combination of visual dashboards, maps, pipe views and alarms are used to help utilities diagnose, mitigate and resolve problems.

UK water companies are under increasing pressure to minimise leakage; in particular, to prevent interruptions to the clean water supply taken for granted by households and businesses.

Jamie Jones, distribution project manager at Portsmouth Water, said: “During the trial, FlowSure detected 322 anomalies which included signal and data issues, engineering events, instances of low pressure and genuine bursts detected in a matter of hours of them occurring.”

Alan Cunningham, technical director (network management: leakage and demand) at Servelec Technologies, added: “Water companies are under increasing PR and legislative pressure to reduce the amount of water wasted through leakage, brought sharply into focus by prolonged periods of dry weather. Any water network will inevitably have leaks, but it is vital for a water company to know which need fixing as a priority before a major disruption occurs.”
The software supplier estimates that annually a six-figure net saving can be achieved by larger water utilities using the system. 

[출처 = Water World(www.waterworld.com) / 2017년 9월 12일]

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