[미국] 워터스타트, 수도시설 운영 효율 위한 파일럿 착수

워터스타트(WaterStart)와 남부 네바다 수도국 SNWA(Southern Nevada Water Authority)는 수도 시설에 새롭고 혁신적인 디지털 솔루션을 적용을 목표로 글로벌 물기업회사 자일럼(Xylem)과 파트너십을 맺었다고 지나 15일 밝혔다.

양 사는 자일럼의 디지털 포트폴리오의 한 부분인 ‘수도망 최적화(Water Network Optimization)’ 프로그램 파일럿을 통해 남부 네바다의 수도시스템의 운영 최적화 및 효율성 향상을 기대하고 있다.

SNWA 운영 부총책임자인 데이브 존슨(Dave Johnson)은 “남부 네바다의 상수도 시스템은 다면적이고 고도로 발전돼 있어 복잡한 기반시설 네트워크와 시스템 제어 등을 통해 지역사회에 고품질의 물을 안정적으로 지원하고 있다”고 말하며 “이에 더해 자일럼의 수도시스템 모델링을 통해 운영효율 향상으로 소비자가 더욱 공감할 수 있는 저렴한 수도요금 등으로 운영의 효율성을 높일 수 있을 것”이라고 발혔다.

자일럼은 이번 파트너십으로 수도시설 운영 데이터 통합 및 수자원 인프라 상태를 평가해, 안전한 환경에서 문제를 해결하는 데 도움이 되는 운영 데이터를 통합하는 SNWA의 수도 시스템에 대한 실시간 고정밀 모델을 개발할 예정이다.

워터스타트 전무이사인 네이든 앨런(Nathan Allen)은 “지능형공간정보(GIS), 수압 모델링 등과 결합된 센서 데이터를 사용해 수도 시스템을 전체적으로 연구하고 관리할 예정”이라고 밝히며 “이번 공동 테스트 프로젝트는 물산업의 운영 관리 방식을 혁신하는 데 도움이 될 것”이라고 밝혔다.


SNWA Pilots Intelligent Water System Solution with Xylem, Inc.

Applying an emerging, innovative digital solution for water utilities, WaterStart and the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) have partnered with Xylem, a leading water technology company, to pilot test Xylem’s Water Network Optimization solution, part of the Xylem Vue digital portfolio, aimed at helping increase efficiencies and optimize the operation of Southern Nevada’s water systems. Through the joint test project, SNWA will evaluate the capabilities of the Water Network Optimization solution to improve energy management strategies, enhance system performance, and reduce operating and maintenance costs of Southern Nevada’s regional water system.

“Southern Nevada’s regional water system is multi-faceted and highly advanced with complex infrastructure networks and system controls that help ensure safe and reliable distribution of high-quality water throughout our community,” said Dave Johnson, SNWA Deputy General Manager of Operations. “While our system is quite efficient, this pilot project will enhance our operations through water system modeling, allowing us to increase operational efficiencies that benefit local water users and rate payers.”

Through this partnership, Xylem will develop a real-time, highly-accurate model of SNWA’s water system that integrates operational data to help SNWA optimize operational processes, reduce energy use, assess water infrastructure condition, and/or address complex operational challenges in a safe and controlled environment. The Xylem system will help guide existing SNWA operations staff with timely recommendations.

“Xylem’s Water Network Optimization solution uses operational systems, GIS, and sensor data combined with hydraulic modeling to study and manage the water system as a whole. Up until now, there hasn’t been anything overarching for complex water systems like that operated by SNWA,” said WaterStart Executive Director Nathan Allen. “If successful, this joint test project may help revolutionize how the water industry manages its operations.”

In addition to enhancing operations and energy management efficiencies, Xylem’s intelligent water technology can also help water utilities improve water demand forecasting and perform real-time water quality optimization throughout a utility’s water delivery system.

“We are delivering an intelligent technology solution that helps water utilities like SNWA make informed decisions about their operations,” said Rocio Echeverria, Vice President and General Manager at Xylem. “This provides water utilities with greater certainty about their system operations and increases the reliability of water service for customers. We look forward to leveraging our solution in new ways that will benefit SNWA as well as other utilities around the world.”

[출처 = WATERSTART(https://waterstart.com/snwa-pilots-intelligent-water-system-solution-with-xylem-inc/)  2021년 11월 16일자 보도자료]

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