오클라호마 수자원위원회(Oklahoma Water Resources Board, OWRB)는 하ㆍ폐수 인프라를 개선하기 위해 툴사-로저스 카운티에 1천400만 달러를 승인했다고 지난 9월 11일 밝혔다.

이번 하ㆍ폐수 시스템 개선 사업은 「오클라호마 미국 구조 계획법(Oklahoma American Rescue Plan Act, ARPA)」 보조금 프로그램과 함께 △OWRB ARPA 부족 보조금(OWRB ARPA Tribal grant funds) 25만 달러 △부족 매칭 기금(Tribal matching funds) 2만 달러 △인디언 건강 서비스 기금(Indian Health Services funds) 33만9천 달러 △로저스 카운티 ARPA 기금(Rogers County ARPA funds) 75만 달러 △지역 기금 167만1천 달러로 자금이 조달된다.

이놀라 공공사업청(Inola Public Works Authority, PWA)은 하ㆍ폐수처리 시스템(wastewater treatment system, WWTS)을 소유 및 운영하고 있으며, 이번 개선 사업을 통해 이놀라 타운과 항만청이 운영하는 항만 산업 단지의 모든 폐수를 수용할 수 있는 규모로 확장한다.

조 프리먼(Joe Freeman) OWRB 재정 지원 부서장은 "이용 고객은 기존 대비 약 2천119만4천300달러를 절약할 수 있을 것"이라고 밝혔다.

ARPA 보조금 프로그램은 미국 재무부의 자금 지원을 받아 OWRB가 관리하며, 「상하수 미국 구조 계획법(Water and Wastewater American Rescue Plan Act)」 보조금 프로그램에 대한 상원 법안 13을 통해 충당된다. 이 OWRB 프로그램은 지역사회와 기타 적격 기관에게 시스템 내 상하수 인프라의 요구 사항을 해결하는 데 필요한 재정을 제공하도록 구성됐다. 1983년부터 수자원위원회는 오클라호마 전역의 상하수 인프라 개선을 위해 64억 달러 이상의 대출 및 보조금을 승인했다.


City of Tulsa-Rogers County Authority receives $14,000,000 grant for wastewater improvements

The City of Tulsa-Rogers County Authority (Authority) received approval for $14,000,000 in funding Tuesday from the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB) to improve the Inola Public Works Authority’s (PWA) wastewater infrastructure. Construction of upgrades and improvements to the wastewater system will be financed by the Oklahoma American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant program, along with OWRB ARPA Tribal grant funds of $250,000, Tribal matching funds of $250,000, Indian Health Services funds of $339,000, Rogers County ARPA funds of $750,000, and local funds of $1,671,000.     

The Inola PWA owns and operates a wastewater treatment system (WWTS) consisting of collection lines, appurtenances, and an aerated lagoon wastewater treatment facility. The PWA is redefining the parameters of the WWTS from a lagoon system to a WWTS sized to accommodate all wastewater from the Town of Inola as well as from the Port Industrial Park operated by the Port Authority. These proceeds will be used to upgrade the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) to include the existing lift station, construction of a larger force main discharge, manhole rehabilitation to reduce inflow and infiltration, and the rehabilitation of the Green Valley Lift Station and force main located in the southwest portion of town. In addition, the engineering and design cost of a new 3.1 MGD WWTP to be located near the Tulsa Port is included.   

Joe Freeman, chief of the OWRB’s Financial Assistance Division, calculated that the Port’s customers will save an estimated $21,194,300 compared to traditional financing.  

The ARPA grant program is administered by the OWRB with funding from the U.S. Department of the Treasury and appropriated through Senate Bill 13 for the Water and Wastewater American Rescue Plan Act grants program. This OWRB program has been structured to provide communities and other eligible entities financial resources necessary to address water and wastewater infrastructure needs within their systems. Since 1983 the Water Resources Board has approved over $6.4 billion in loans and grants for water and wastewater infrastructure improvements throughout Oklahoma. 

 “We are grateful to State Legislators in the Port and Tulsa metro areas for their continued support of our financial assistance programs,” said Julie Cunningham, Executive Director of the OWRB.   

[출처 = 오클라호마 수자원위원회(Oklahoma Water Resources Board)(https://oklahoma.gov/owrb/news-and-events/press-releases/2023/city-of-tulsa-rogers-county-authority-receives-14000000-grant-for-wastewater-improvements.html) / 2023년 9월 11일]

[번역 = 배민지 차장]

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