[사진출처 = 뉴욕시 환경보호국(Department of Environment Protection)]
[사진출처 = 뉴욕시 환경보호국(Department of Environment Protection)]

뉴욕시 환경보호국(Department of Environment Protection, DEP)는 뉴욕 시민들에게 7천622개의 빗물받이통(Rain Barrels)을 무료 배포했다고 밝혔다. 60갤런의 빗물받이통은 설치가 쉽고 하수구나 배수구에 직접 연결해 옥상에 떨어지는 빗물을 저장할 수 있다.

빗물받이통에 모인 빗물은 도시의 하수관로로 들어오는 빗물의 양을 줄여 홍수와 하수구 범람을 완화하는 동시에 합류식 하수관거의 월류수(CSOs)를 줄여 지역 수로를 보호힌다. 또한 빗물을 저장하여 잔디밭이나 정원에 물을 주거나 세차에 사용함으로써 물소비를 줄이고 수도 요금을 절약할 수 있다.

로힛 아가왈라(Rohit T. Aggarwala) DEP 국장은 "한 가정의 지붕에 떨어지는 빗물을 모으는 것은 그 도시의 하수구 시스템에 가해지는 압력을 완화시키고, 이는 결과적으로 지역의 도로 침수와 하수구 범람을 줄이고, 수로의 건강을 개선시킨다"면서 "빗물받이통은 또한 물소비를 줄이고, 집 주인이 자연 보호를 실천하고 지속 가능성을 증진시키는 동시에 돈을 절약하도록 돕는다"고 말했다.

조안 아리올라(Joann Ariola) 뉴욕시의회 의원은 "이 빗물받이통은 중요한 목적을 수행하고, 홍수 발생 가능성을 줄이는 동시에 집 주인이 수도 요금을 절약할 수 있다"면서 "빗물받이통을 나눠주기 위해 뉴욕시의회와 DEF와 파트너쉽을 맺게 되어 매우 기쁘고, 앞으로도 계속적인 파트너쉽을 기대한다"고 말했다.

빗물받이통은 주택 소유자들이 극심한 강우 현상에 대비하는 것을 돕기 위해 DEP가 활용하고 있는 한 가지 도구 중 하나이다. DEP는 도시 전역에서 홍수 키트 배포 행사와 정보 세션을 개최하고, 홍수 방지책, 펌프 및 홍수 센서를 공급하고 있다.

이러한 행사에서 제공되는 정보와 도구는 거주자들과 사업주들에게 극심한 날씨의 해로운 영향으로부터 그들의 부동산을 보호하는 데 도움을 준 뉴욕시는 오늘날 극한 기후와 싸우기 위해 뉴욕 시민과 시 정부가 할 수 있는 공동의 책임을 설명한다. DEP는 또한 주택 소유자들이 어떻게 그들의 부동산을 더 잘 보호할 수 있는지에 대한 유용한 팁을 담은 주택 소유자 가이드를 만들었다.

하수구 시스템에서 하수구를 분리하고 빗물을 빗물받이통으로 전환하면 빗물이 비가 오는 동안 과도한 부하를 받는 것을 방지해 하수구가 가정과 기업의 지하층으로 역류하는 결과를 초래할 수 있기 때문에 부동산 소유자에게도 도움이 된다.

특히 여름철 마당에 사용되는 물은 물사용량의 40%까지 차지할 수 있기 때문에 빗물받이통에 저장된 물을 사용하면 물소비도 줄어 집 주인이 돈을 절약하는 데 도움이 된다.

매년 봄, DEP는 공직자(elected officials)와 협력해 도시 전역에서 빗물받이통 나눔 행사를 열고 있다. 빗물받이 통의 설치는 쉽고 유지 관리가 필요 없으며, 빗물받이통은 정원 가꾸기와 같은 비음용(비음용) 용도로만 사용해야 한다. 


DEP Distributes More Than 7,600 Free Rain Barrels to New York City Residents

60-gallon rain barrels capture stormwater, preventing it from entering sewer system—alleviating flooding and sewer backups, and protecting health of local waterways

The New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) partnered this summer with elected officials, community boards and neighborhood organizations to host more than 100 free giveaway events in all five boroughs to distribute 7,622 rain barrels to New Yorkers. The 60-gallon rain barrels are easy to install and connect directly to a property’s gutter or downspout to capture and store stormwater that falls on the rooftop. The water collected in the rain barrel reduces the amount of stormwater that enters the city’s sewer system, helping to alleviate flooding and sewer backups while also protecting the health of local waterways by lessening combined sewer overflows. Additionally, by storing rainwater and using it for outdoor chores, like watering a lawn or garden or washing a car, homeowners also reduce water consumption and save on water bills.

“Collecting stormwater that falls on a home’s roof eases pressure on the city’s sewer system, which, in turn, reduces localized street flooding and sewer backups, and improves the health of our waterways,” said DEP Commissioner Rohit T. Aggarwala. “Rain barrels also reduce water consumption needs during warmer months, which helps homeowners save money while practicing conservation and promoting sustainability.”

“These rain barrels serve a vital purpose, and help to reduce the amount of floodwater runoff that enters our sewage system, thereby decreasing the likelihood of flooding, while also saving homeowners on their water bills” said Council Member Joann Ariola. “I am very happy to have partnered with the DEP to get these rain barrels to my constituents, and I look forward to continued partnerships in the future.”

“I am tremendously pleased with the success of this season’s rain barrel giveaway program,” said Queens Borough President Donovan Richards Jr. “This year my office gave away rain barrels to many Queens families looking to help protect our environment and save money on their water bills. Congratulations to the DEP and Commissioner Aggarwala for spearheading another successful year of rain barrel giveaways.”

“New Yorkers embody unique productivity, skillfully leveraging tools to simplify their daily lives,” said Council Member Robert Holden. “It's an honor to team up with the DEP annually for rain barrel giveaways, enabling constituents to collect and repurpose stormwater wisely, all while lightening the load on our sewer system and championing water conservation.”

“I was happy to play my part in the Department of Environmental Protection’s rain barrel distribution. Any chance to provide cost saving tools for the homeowners of District 50 is a win in my book,” said Council Member David Carr. “We were able to hand out hundreds of these barrels to Staten Islanders through two events this year, and I look forward to this event annually as a chance to meet members of the community.”

“I am proud to partner with the DEP to distribute rain barrels to community members,” said Council Member Eric Dinowitz. “This incredibly popular effort is yet another way our city gets resources directly into the hands of our community members. I am grateful to DEP for this collaborative effort that helps reduce stress on our overtaxed combined sewer system, all while saving homeowners money.”

Rain barrels are just one tool that DEP is utilizing to help homeowners prepare for severe rainfall events. The agency continues to partner with elected officials to hold flood kit distribution events and information sessions around the city, supplying inflatable flood barriers, sump pumps and flood sensors. The information and tools provided at these events empower residents and business owners to protect their properties from the damaging effects of extreme weather. Rainfall Ready NYC outlines the shared responsibilities New Yorkers and city government can do to combat intense storms, together, today. DEP has also produced a homeowner’s guide with helpful tips on how homeowners can better protect their properties.

Disconnecting downspouts from the sewer system and diverting stormwater into a rain barrel benefits property owners as well because it helps prevent sewers from becoming overburdened during rain events, which can result in sewer backups into the basements of homes and businesses.

Using the water stored in a rain barrel also cuts down on water consumption, which helps homeowners save money—especially since outdoor chores can account for up to 40% of an average household’s water use during the summer. Each spring, DEP partners with elected officials to organize rain barrel distribution events in neighborhoods throughout the city. Each homeowner who obtains a free rain barrel through the giveaway program receives an installation kit and instructions. Installation of rain barrels is easy and they require little maintenance. Rain barrels should only be used for non-potable (non-drinking) purposes, such as gardening, and must be disconnected from the downspout during the winter months to avoid freezing.

[출처 = NYC DEF(DEP Distributes More Than 7,600 Free Rain Barrels to New York City Residents | City of New York (nyc.gov)) / 11월 22일]

[번역 = 배민수 부장] 

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