스마트 계량기, 네트워크 구축해 누수 빠르게 식별 … 고객, 믈 제어해 청구서 및 물사용량 모니터링

[사진출처 = 서번트렌트(Severn Trent)]
[사진출처 = 서번트렌트(Severn Trent)]

서번트렌트(Severn Trent)는 버밍엄(Birmingham) 레스터(Leicester) 지역을 대상으로 스마트 계량기 프로그램(smart metering programme)을 착수한다고 밝혔다. 서번트렌트는 이 프로그램을 통해 누수를 더 빨리 식별하고 고객은 청구서와 물소비량을 제어할 수 있다.

이를 통해 고객은 스마트 계량기를 장착함으로써 디지털 플랫폼에 접근해 가구가 시간당 얼마나 많은 물을 사용하는지 정확하게 확인할 수 있으며, 어떻게 물을 사용하는지 보여주는 개인별 월간 보고서를 받을 수 있다. 또한 물소비를 줄이고 수도 요금을 낮추기 위한 편리한 팁과 요령을 확인할 수 있다.

각 계량기와 함께 설치된 스마트 기술은 비용을 절약하고 예상 청구서를 피할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 서번트렌트가  실시간 데이터를 기록할 수 있도록 해 그 어느 때보다 빠르게 누수를 찾고 해결하는 데 도움을 준다.

서번트렌트는 2025년 3월 이전에 버밍엄(Birmingham), 레스터셔(Leicestershire) 및 슈롭셔(Shropshire) 일부 지역에 총 25만 대의 스마트 수도계량기를 설치할 예정이다. 이를 통해 기존 미터 고객 12만5천 명이 새로운 스마트 계량기로 업그레이드되고 추가로 12만5천 명의 고객이 새로운 계량기를 설치하게 된다.

이는 서번트렌트가 스마트 계량기를 설치해 해당 지역을 스마트 워터 허브를 구축하는 데 한 걸음 더 가까워진다는 것을 의미한다. 

토마스 퍼드풋(Thomas Puddefoot) 서번트렌트 교과(Subject Matter) 전문가는 "누수를 빠르게 감지함으로써, 더 많은 물이 우리의 집, 학교, 병원, 그리고 그것을 가장 필요로 하는 사업체로 가는 것을 의미한다. 서번트렌트의 스마트 계량기는 우리의 고객들이 필요할 때, 그들이 필요한 물을 얻을 수 있다는 것을 의미하는 수요를 계획하고 관리하는 것을 도와줄 것이다"라고 말했다.


How Severn Trent is making a smart water hub across its region as rollout begins in Birmingham and Leicester 

Severn Trent is expanding its smart metering rollout by starting work in Birmingham and Leicester.
By having a comprehensive smart metering network, Severn Trent can identify leaks faster.
Smart meters allow customers to take control of their water – controlling their bills and monitoring their water consumption.

Severn Trent has launched the rollout of its smart metering programme in Birmingham and Leicester – allowing the company to identify leaks faster, and customers to control their bills and water consumption.

By having a smart meter fitted as part of this rollout, customers will be able to access a digital platform where they will be able to see exactly how much water their household uses hourly, and also get a personalised monthly report showing how their household uses water, with handy tips and tricks to reduce water consumption and drive down water bills.

As well as saving money and avoiding estimated bills, the smart technology installed with each meter will allow Severn Trent teams to record near to real time data, helping to find and fix leaks faster than ever.

Severn Trent is installing a total of 250,000 smart water meters across Birmingham, Leicestershire and parts of Shropshire before March 2025 - this will see 125,000 existing metered customers being upgraded to a new smart meter and a further 125,000 customers have a brand-new meter installed.

This means that with every smart meter installed, Severn Trent is one step closer to making its region a smart water hub. The work also compliments the company’s smart meter install across Coventry and Warwickshire as part of its £566m Green Recovery programme.

Thomas Puddefoot, Subject Matter Expert at Severn Trent, said: “By spotting leaks quickly, it means more of our water goes to the places it’s meant to go - to our homes, to our schools, our hospitals, the businesses that need it most. Our smart meters will help us plan and manage demand meaning our customers get the water they need, when they need it.

“It’s no secret that people generally save water when they switch to a meter, and we believe as well you should only pay for what you use, and smart meters are a great way of making sure that’s the case. With climate change, and the drier summers we’re seeing, it really is important we’re conserving water as best we can.”

Severn Trent teams have already been out in areas such as the city centre, Oadby and Glenfield fitting smart meters. Engineers install the devices in boundary boxes outside a customer’s property boundary, where Severn Trent’s water supply pipe meets the supply pipe to the customer’s home.

This is done either by screw-in installations which take around 20 minutes or dig installations, if there isn’t a boundary box, which take around two hours.

Thomas added: “We’re looking forward to making great progress with our Leicester smart metering rollout in the months to come, as we know how helpful they can be to spot leaks and bring bills down for our customers.

“We aren’t charging our customers to have these smart pieces of equipment installed, and we look forward to the insights they can give both ourselves at Severn Trent, and our customers about water use and leaks on our network.”

[출처 = Severn Trent(How Severn Trent is making a smart water hub across its region as rollout begins in Birmingham and Leicester | News Releases | News | Severn Trent Water (stwater.co.uk)) / 12월 27일]

[번역 = 배민수 부장] 

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