서번트렌트(Severn Trent)는 체스터(Chester) 지역의 안전한 수도관망을 확보하고 향후 미래 세대를 위한 수백만 파운드 규모의 관로 매설 프로젝트를 1월 말에 착수한다고 밝혔다.

서번트렌트는 체스터 지역에 신뢰할 수 있고 지속 가능한 물공급을 위해 1천600만 파운드 이상을 투자하고 있다.

이번 관로 매설 프로젝트는 서번트렌트가 체스터에 투자한 가장 큰 규모의 프로젝트 중 하나로 보턴 정수장(Boughton Water Treatment works)과 헌팅턴 정수장(Huntington Water Treatment Works)을 잇는 수도관을 매설할 계획이며, 이번 프로젝트는 1월 29일(현지시각)부터 12월 중 완료될 것으로 예상된다.

제임스 제식(James Jesic) 서번트렌트 자본조달 및 상업 이사는 "이 프로젝트에 투자하는 것은 현재 및 앞으로 세대에 걸쳐 모든 체스터 고객을 위해 물을 계속 흐르게 하는 게 중요하다"면서 "서번트렌트는 다른 회사들과 협력해 모든 작업이 동시에 이루어져서 도시 주민들과 방문객들에게 미치는 영향을 최소화하고 가능한 한 빨리 모든 작업을 완료할 수 있도록 노력하고 있다"고 말했다.

이어 "서번트렌트는 장기간의 도로 폐쇄가 혼란을 초래할 수 있다는 것을 이해하지만, 이 관로 설치는 이 지역 주민에게 물이 계속 흐르게 하기 위해 필수적이고 모두에게 큰 이익이 될 것이다. 서번트렌트는 이 프로젝트를 가능한 빨리 전달할 수 있도록 열심히 노력할 것"이라고 덧붙였다.

서번트렌트는 체스터 지역에서 약 4만6천 가구 10만 명의 고객에게 물을 공급하고 있다. 체스터 지역 외각에 위치한 보턴 정수장은 160년 동안 디강(River Dee)의 물을 정수해 식수를 제공하고 있다.


Severn Trent’s multi-million pipeline project in Chester is set to begin  

Work on a multi-million-pound project to lay a new pipeline in Chester to ensure a secure water network for the city, and for future generations to come is set to begin at the end of January.

Severn Trent is investing more than £16 million to make sure that the city continues to receive a reliable and sustainable water supply.

In what is one of the biggest investments the company has made in the city, a brand-new water pipe will be installed from Boughton Water Treatment works to Huntington Water Treatment Works.

Works will start on Monday, January 29th and will see the water company working in collaboration with BT and Cadent to make sure all work is done as effectively as possible. BT and Cadent will be on site for a number of weeks and are expected to be finished by Thursday, March 7th.

Severn Trent’s work will start in the Jubilee Playing Fields on Monday, February 19 with road works beginning on Friday, March 1st, with short single lane closure on Christleton Road, progressing onto Sandy Lane from Monday, March 11th with road closures in place once again, which will be done in sections.

To complete work as quickly as possible we’ll be working longer days during the week and also over the weekends and the scheme is expected to be completed during December 2024.  

James Jesic, Capital Delivery and Commercial Director at Severn Trent said: “Investing in this project is vital in making sure we’re able to help keep the water flowing for all our Chester customers now and for generations to come, and the work we are doing to install the new pipe will help us do that.

“We are working in collaboration with other companies to ensure that all work is done at the same time to minimise the impact on residents and visitors to the city and get everything done as quickly as possible.

“We understand that long term road closures can cause disruption, but the installation of this pipeline is essential to make sure water keeps flowing for residents of the city and will be a huge benefit to all. We will work hard to make sure that we deliver this project as quickly as possible.”

Severn Trent customers in Chester receive a water-only service from the company, with around 100,000 customers in the city and 46,000 households.

The water treatment works at Boughton, on the outskirts of Chester has been treating water from the River Dee and providing drinking water for the people of Chester for more than 160 years.

James added: “Our teams have been speaking with the local community and businesses about our plans and where we’ll be working, and we have specialist support for businesses in the areas we’re working. Businesses that need help can get in touch with us by emailing our Business Loss Team on businessloss@severntrent.co.uk for further advice.

“We understand that there has been some concern around the closure, and we’re listening to the community and can assure everyone we’re doing this with as little impact as possible that allows us to safely do the work.”

[출처 = Severn Trent(Severn Trent’s multi-million pipeline project in Chester is set to begin | News Releases | News | Severn Trent Water (stwater.co.uk)) / 1월 26일]

[번역 = 배민수 부장] 

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